Reviews by Rhonda0115


Super Admin
Pros: Very docile, pretty, calm
Cons: Not much
I have 11 Australorp hens on my farm and they are dedicated egg layers. They remain calm and allow me to touch them without much fuss. 4 of my girls are in a run with a Speckled Sussex hen and they 'growl' at me when I come in...not in anger but rather as a way of 'talking'. It's kind of cute and always draws comments from the kids who come out to tour my place. I would definitely get more of these birds!


Super Admin
Pros: Entertaining, Good "Watch Dog"
Cons: Flighty, LOUD
I received a Fayoumi chick as my exotic and have really enjoyed watching him grow. Slight in stature but big on personality. Henry, (rooster) has very accepting of 'others' in his run....he's housed with 3 turkeys, 4 hens (that he 'stole' from another rooster), and a pheasant. He squeals like a little girl when you touch him but will allow you to hold/pet him once picked up. He's like a roadrunner, dashing everywhere which is pretty entertaining. He really doesn't have a purpose on my farm, other than the entertainment value but his personality is so much fun....I've kept him. He makes for a good "watch dog" and screams when something is in the yard that isn't supposed to be.

I wouldn't get another one but they sure are flashy and fun...just really doesn't serve much purpose other than my enjoyment :)
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