Reviews by Slinglings


Super Admin
Pros: friendly, calm, good layer
Cons: none that I know of
Ginger, our red star, is a very good layer of large brown eggs. She is the smallest of our four (leg horn, jersey giant, buff orpington). She is friendly with all the other hens, always runs up to me, loves to spend time in the garden with me. She waits for me to dig a hole (to plant something) and she will jump in looking for worms ;) I have to move her over and over again. She likes to scratch at mulch and make a mess of the sidewalks. She is easy to catch and to hold, and talks to me.
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Super Admin
Pros: friendliest of my flock
Cons: none so far

I must have a great Leghorn, because the one I have is the friendliest, most 'pet' like, most social, calmest bird in my flock. I have a flock of four (white leghorn, red star, black jersey giant, buff orpington). The LH has a funny personality, she's the best layer of the four so far, she isn't flighty, she runs right to me as soon as she sees/hears me. I bought her right before she started laying, so it has nothing at all to do with how she was raised. She's just a good girl. ;) She's the first to bed everynight, and the first to rise. I have never had a problem picking her up or holding her.

She lays 4-6 large/XL white eggs a week.
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