Reviews by Springermom


Super Admin
Pros: Pretty feathering, usually friendly, cold hardy, entertaining
Cons: Not the best egg production, can be aggressive to other birds
I have a gold laced (Jazz) and blue laced red (Rose) who are about 8 months old. Rose is a beautiful bird but not overly friendly and has been plagued with crop issues. She's also testy with the other birds. Jazz is extremely friendly to humans ( if you have food) but does not play well with others. Daisy the Orpington rules and Jazz is her "enforcer'. She pecks or plucks anyone who gets in her way or out of line except for Daisy. She also absolutely terrorizes the young roo, sneaking up behind him to grab a beak full of tail feathers. I think he lives in constant fear of her blitzkreig attacks and she enjoys the challenge of outwitting him, streaking out from behind something to grab, pull and run.

Entertaining as Jazz can be, neither Wyandotte lays especially well. I get about 3 per week from each and they're about medium size, a step up from the very small eggs when they first started laying. My Orp, EE and Legbar all lay large eggs almost daily.

Wyandottes are pretty and I may always have one for that reason but will look to other breeds for egg production.
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Pros: Pretty, friendly, likes to forage, lots of nice eggs
Cons: Expensive, hard to find good line
Got my CCL a few months ago at about 4 months of age. She's been laying well at almost an egg per day and her eggs are the largest of my flock. She easily tamed and is pretty, like a lady with a bouffant hairdo. Unfortunately, she didn't have the blue egg gene. However, her eggs are a pale pink, inside and out so she still adds color to my basket. I was hoping to breed her to my black copper marans roo and get olive eggers but I guess that plan is squashed now.

I would have another one in an instant but would be more careful of the breeder. It was hard to find a pullet so I took a risk on someone without doing more research. Her coloring is good and she conforms well to breed standards except for the lack of that darn blue egg gene. Hopefully, more people will see how great this breed is for egg production and good breeders will be more common. Highly recommended for a backyard flock.

***Poppy is 2 years old now and is definitely a bit flighty but still follows me around. Her eggs are HUGE- 2.75-3 ounces! She my smallest hen and lays the largest eggs. She's good for at least 5 eggs each week and was reliable, even through an Ohio winter. Do the math, that's almost a pound of eggs each week! I would love to have another but they're hard to find. She was definitely expensive but I've been repaid in egg size and volume.
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