Reviews by Syrain


Super Admin
Pros: Great pets, loving, friendly, good brooders
Cons: Leg feathers get a bit messy
This is a very great breed for starters and for kids--they're sweet and gentle and hardly ever get ruffled. I had one boy that would let me lay him on his back and rub his belly; he was such a sweetheart. They're regular layers, good brooders, and great mothers. These birds certainly have a special place in my heart. :)


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet, charming, great brooder, loving, and unique
Cons: Sometimes overly broody
I've had silkies since I was little and they have ALWAYS been one of my favorites! This breed is a great starter for kids given their gentle temperament and demeanor when raised up right! I've owned several silkies and only ever had one roo that was violent; my others were the sweetest boys I'd ever known, and absolutely loved cuddles! This breed is great for brooding as well; they'll sit anything, everything, and at times, nothing at all! I even had a roo that would sit the nest when the girls got up to grab a quick drink and bite to eat. Overall they're great pets and great sitters.


Super Admin
Pros: Great personality--friendly, comedic, loving, and unique
Cons: Crest can impede vision, a bit bossy
My girl Kramer is so full of energy and personality from the start. She runs down to the car when you pull into the driveway, escorts you across the yard, and often jumps up to sit on your head or shoulder (while sometimes a bit painful, is funny all the same). She's a card full of spunk, and while she's bossy with my silkie hen and khaki campbells, she's not outright violent. She's a good solid layer and brooder as well.
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