Reviews by Tazbeaux

Pros: Easy to use, don't drip, installs in a bucket or pvc system, Chickens always have clean poop free water. Daily water changing is a thing of the past.
Cons: None at all
After doing lots of online research I settled on purchasing a 10 pack of these nipples. I am so glad that I found these, they work great! I initially installed 3 nipples in a heavy duty 3 gallon bucket with a lid and hung it in my chicken tractor The chickens started drinking from it right away. It is so easy, I just fill the bucket and my 10 chickens have clean water for about a week. My bucket is transparent, so you can see when it needs refilling and the bucket always stays clean. I just set up another pen and used 3 nipples on a pvc pipe attached to the wire with zip ties. A 5 gallon bucket hanging outside the pen supplies the water. I like to travel so having a weeks worth of clean poop/dirt free water is a life saver. It also makes caring for the birds a much easier task for my neighbor that looks after them while I am gone.
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