Reviews by Tucker91


Super Admin
Pros: They are adorable, friendly and easy to handle. Great little pets!
Cons: Haven't found one yet.
When I first saw a showgirl, I thought is was really homely and swore I would never get one. I went to purchase a couple of regular silkie pullets from a breeder and she had some of these. When I saw them in person, I decided I NEEDED to have one. I purchased two day old Lavender chicks from a breeder that are now about 6 weeks old. I LOVE them. They are really sweet little birds. Most recently we purchased an 8 month old black showgirl pullet and I just LOVE her. She is sweet and has a wonderful personality. I can't wait to add her to my breeding pens with my black rooster once she gets through quarentine. I would have many more of these little cuties if I had the room!


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, adorable, easy to handle and great for kids.
Cons: I wished my coop was bigger so I could have many many more!
We got our first chickens in the spring...started out with TSC chicks. I mix of production red pullets, Barred Rock pullets and a few mixed bantams. I visited a friends house and flock and she had ONE single silkie hen. She was the sweetest bird and my daughter and I fell in love. It was my mission to have some!

After about a month or more of looking for hens/pullets (they are hard to come by in my area at all, let alone girls!) I purchased a mom and daughter from a localish breeder to me. I was hooked after bringing these lovely ladies home. We re-homed all of our TSC chicks, bought some silkie eggs to hatch and bought a few more pullets (and some accidental roos. LOL). I now have a coop full of these wonderful fluffy butted chickens.

All of them are easy to handle, friendly and great with my daughter. I highly recommend these chickens of you want fun loving pets. They lay small eggs and not tons of them, but that is no big deal to me!
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