Reviews by TwinsLoveChicks

Pros: Friendly, lay well, pretty, huge eggs, often broody.
Cons: Bad mothers, they're a little crazy.
I really like Rhode Island Reds. I have three: Sunny Side Up, Providence, and Black-Eyed Susan. Sunny (as I like to call her) has gone broody four times in her four years of life. She's an okay(ish) hatcher, but once she's off the nest she chases and pecks her babies. Now I think she's gone a little crazy, because she follows my broodies around pecking their babies. And she doesn't only do it if a baby gets to close. She does it entirely on purpose.
And she got into one of the boxes yesterday and was clucking to imaginary babies! Here are some pictures of her:

Providence is also slightly crazy. She chases cars. She lays huge, lumpy eggs and has a great personality. Here she is:

Last but not least, there's Black-Eyed Susan. She's a beautiful, sweet hen who lays well, and is the most normal out of the three.

Overall, I love Rhode Island Reds and highly recommend them to everyone.
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