
Black Sex Link chicken

Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire...
Pros: Certainty of Sex, Pretty Feathers
Cons: Not for Breeding
The black sex link chicken is a great match for those desiring a flock without roosters. Mistakes in sexing are difficult to make with these chickens, so the occasional "oops!" rooster problem may be avoided. The coloring of black sex link hens is gorgeous! Sex linked chickens will not produce sex linked offspring, so keeping them for breeding isn't something most would be interested in.
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Pros: good egg layer, hardy.
Cons: Meat, sustainability.
This chicken is a good egg layer.
This chicken is a hybrid = won't breed true = totally unsustainable
If your looking for some chickens which you will never hatch from this is the type for you.
But if your looking for a sustainable type get a breed and not a Hybrid.
Pros: Great layer of beautiful brown eggs, curious, alert, friendly
Cons: Loud, Does not bare confinement well, large comb easy target for frostbite

This is Jolene, She is my black sex link. I picked her out at the feed store because I knew she would be a girl :)
She is friendly, vocal and talkative (sometimes a bit much for my husband as she thinks she is a goose) She is an amazing forager and is the only one in my small flock that gulps down slugs. (this is a huge plus for me as most of my garden is hostas) I trust that she will look over the flock because if anything gets in the way I know she will attack predators and protect her two besties!
Pros: good egg layers, nice, and very pretty
Cons: get picked on, wel my girl does.

i think that the black sex link is a very good breed.they lay big brown eggs that are so pretty! i would add at least 1 to my flock.they r just great birds, i love them!

her nick name is red neck, i dont have a name for her yet.
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Pros: Smart, Pretty, dependable
Cons: Smart, small eggs,
I only have 1, got her when she was already 6 weeks old or so. Not much socialization unfortunately. She is very smart and catches on quick. Doesn't like to be held but she comes to you. I have read others say that they lay large eggs, perhaps its because she is still young that she lays small eggs? However, she is dependable everyday, even while my elder girls are molting and have halted production, also the Light Brahma she came with, about the same age, I haven't noticed if she is laying any eggs yet. They still hang out together, but they are not bosom buddies by any means, BSL likes to be on her own doing her own thing usually.
Pros: Lays 6 big brown eggs a week and lets you know when to come and get them.
Cons: What con could a chicken get laying 6 eggs a week. Sheeeesh.
These are calm, steady laying chickens that cackle a bit more than other chickens when laying. So what. 6 eggs a week like a Swiss watch. Good forager and protective of the flock. We don't have a Rooster so I couldn't tell you about raising chicks but I would guess it would be like any other chicken.
Pros: Awesome layers, friendly, smart, perfect pets to...
Cons: Loud, they need to be in numbers greater than three.
I have four new little ones, a month old. They already know to leave during the day and come in for the night. (I let them roam free, there is nothing to eat them here) They are awesome for just your average bird. I got one six years ago and cannot get anything else besides a barred hen. Those two are perfect and they all live in one flock happily!
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Pros: Very social, great layers, friendly, chatty, love people. Excellent layers and lay about 5-6 eggs per week.
Cons: None.
We have 2 Black Sex Link hens in our flock that I got at our local feed store and I love them both. "Copper" has the traditional BSL looks, black iridescent body feathers with brownish head feathers. "Joan Jett" is a solid black iridescent hen and is very striking. Both are chatter boxes and love to chit-chat when I talk to them (I know a lot of people see that as a con but I don't). They're hilarious to watch. They're friendly with people and with the other girls in the flock. Great foragers. They're fantastic egg layers. They lay XL beautiful, dark brown eggs. I'd say mine average 5-6 eggs per week. I will be getting 4 more BSL chicks in the spring because I love them. :)
Pros: beautiful colors
Cons: fidgety
This is our 8 week old rooster. Looks like the sex link I'd say, wouldn't you? He is in our house right now trying to get him use to everyone. He's still fidgety and been inside 4 days being spoiled

Pros: Egg production, attractive feathers, size, tolerate confinement
Cons: Temperament, not exceptionally cold tolerant, prone to disease, loud
I purchased them for layers, and can say that is all these birds are really good for in my eyes. I know many people successfully tame them, but the only way these birds are going to be anything but flighty is if you have large amounts of time to spend with them. Their temperament towards other birds is terrible, these girls are bullies, and dont back off when they take a dislike to a particular flock member. They tend to target birds with unique feather patterns, crests, and mild temperament. I would not recommend them to those in harsher climates, they aren't bred for cold tolerance, there are many other far more suitable breeds that could easily surpass the stars winter laying ability. They can be kept through the winter without supplemental heat, however I prefer birds that are more tolerant and do more than huddle in a corner during the winter months. I have also been greatly saddened by the fact that many of these birds sicken easily, most likely due to the stress put on their bodies by constant lay. They are great for those only intending to keep laying hens, of the same breed, in warmer areas.
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Pros: Good egg layers, Lets my young kids hold them, doesn't mind my dogs, stays in my yard.
Cons: None
A favorite of our flock. We have two Black Sex-links in our flock and their personalities are different. "Killer" named by my son is the top bird and she keeps everyone in line, but shes also gentle. Doesn't attack or peck at the lower ranking birds. "Heartsy-May" named by one of my daughters is lower in the flock she just likes to hang with everyone, real mild temperament. Both birds will tolerate being held by my kids for short periods of time. They're both pretty to look at and enjoyable.

Pros: great protective mother
Cons: none
Just had my Black star go broody and hatch out 4 babies..
Pros: talkative, docile,curious, easy to handle, entertaning
Cons: none
I have 10 BSL and 1 RSL and I got them at 4 days old. They are now 26 weeks and they started laying at 22 weeks. I now get at least 8 eggs a day. I have banker chicks as they seem to lay around mid-day. I know this as they crackle real loud when they lay! They greet me everyday when I feed them or give them a treat and huddle around my feet almost tripping me! I have learned not to wear open toed shoes when in their pen as they will peck my toes if I'm not fast enough with their treats or feed! They will follow me all around their pen until I put down the treat! I love their personalities and have not named them as I can't tell them apart! Would recommend them to anyone.
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Pros: Good Layer,Very Friendly,Smart!
Cons: Noisy,Dominant,a little pushy and demanding for affection if it likes you.
My Black Star Onyx is a small chicken almost half the size of my Barred Rocks,but she has a confident personality,she is always the first to come when called and stalks me wherever I walk.She likes to jump on my back,she's very smart and learns things quickly you can literally see the gears moving!But I have found they are not a good choice for city dwellers because of how talkative they are.Also my Black Star is very dominant and picks on the more mild members like Buff Orpingtons!Their pecky too,not a good choice for kids.These chickens are very friendly with people they like and will demand attention and grow jealous very easily!They are fine layers too!:)
Pros: lays HUGE eggs
Cons: can be a bit vocal
i have a black sexlink hen that runs around our yard and lays eggs in our feed can.(as long as i leave it open) she sleeps in the trees and fends for herself very well. she lays MASSIVE eggs and rarely ever skips a day laying.overall.great farm chicken
Pros: Very friendly, curious and good egg layers.
Cons: None
I love my Black sex link! She is really friendly and loves to be petted and held! I also love the variety in the colors! You never know how much red they'll have!
She really throws a fit when I put a harness on her though! She was walking backwards. Lol

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Pros: XXL eggs, great layer, very friendly
Cons: fat and slow... easy prey
One of my favorite hens is our black sex link. She consistently lays giant eggs and is very friendly. She is the largest hen in my flock and is mild tempered with all of the other hens.
Pros: Great layers, calm, beautiful
Cons: none
I bought these because they're good producers- imagine my surprise when they turned out to be some of the most beautiful hens in my flock! They black with gorgeous iridescent green feathers, and some red laced breast feathers. I'm loving them.
Pros: egg a day, quiet, docile, not aggressive,
Cons: not much personality, smaller egg than red sex link, small overall size.
I got a wide variety of laying hens to raise for meat/eggs. the plan was to eat the loud ones and keep the quiet layers. It turned out that the australorps were the loudest, followed by the RIR and the BO...the cornish whites dressed out the best of all the layers and the NNT and BO were pathetic to cook up!
So I ended up with 1 Black Sex Link, one red and one white cornish...they are all very, very quiet...maybe one egg song a day...no other noise really, not even when I approach, unlike my Dad's RIR...geeze! Anyway, I like the Black Sex Link, she is bottom of the totem pole and has nothing to say, but lays her daily egg early in the day and doesnt appear to over eat. She has nearly no personality, unlike my other two and the red is so friendly.
I would get a Black Sex Link again.
Pros: Beautiful Birds
Cons: none
This is my first experience with BSL. My babies are only a month old & already quite the characters. I have had RIR's for 5yrs now & wanted some new hen's. I got 6 BSL's & 2 BR's. So far ALL are wonderful & very sweet ;) I did also get 2 RIR's that I am raising for a friend until he gets their new home ready. I have 3 older RIR's that are almost 3yrs old. LUV my hens!!!!
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