
Blue Swedish

They were first imported into the USA in the late 1800's. The foundation stock of the blue...
Pros: Awesome, adorable, and absolutely amazing!
Cons: They breed. All the time.
I have 5 ducks, though I originally got 7. Mostly the ducks look like Blue Swiss, but I had one Cayuga looking one that was beautiful.

I don't know if this is just normal for a duck or not, but my two drakes are ALWAYS breeding. I've gotten to the point where I spray them with the hose on full blast when they chase the girls too much. Other than that, they are very easy going, and seem to be very trustworthy. Not to mention I like the gray! I've never had a health problem with them, aside from a raccoon attack, but that wasn't from them. My Charlotte looks just like the duck in the picture, but with less white on her neck. No ducklings have come yet, but already Alexis (White female with gray bill) is showing excellent mothering skills.

Love 'em!
Pros: Cold Hardy, Quiet, moderately good Egg layer
They are often simply called Swedish. Some will be Blue (Gray) in color, but Blue Swedish is only one of the colors you will find in this breed. Their Blue color is due to heteozygosity and if a Swedish Blue duck and drake breed, the young are the usual 25% / 50% / 25% ratio in:
  • 25%: A homozygous form, black where the blue should be.
  • 50%: As the parents.
  • 25%: The other homozygous form, splashed or silver with combinations of blue and black and white.
It is a landrace originating in northern Germany.The Swedish Blue duck is a medium sized bird, male weighs between 3-4 kg,and the female usually weighs 2,5-3,5 kg. Swedish Blue ducks are very calm birds and make good beginner's ducks. They produce 100 eggs per year of 80-90 g weight. They love to free range. Said to go broody.
Distribution: It is considered to be an endangered breed. This breed of duck is listed as watch by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.
Purchase Date
How are the ducks as pets and layers?
Pros: Mellow, mostly "muttering" ducks
Cons: Mine are skittish/afraid of people
Got mine second hand, the drakes look like they're a Swedish/Mallard mix (dark body, white bib, green head) and the ducks are tan/white, sometimes popping up into a runner stance. Wish they weren't so skittish (run from me, can't look them in the eye or they hide), but they're fairly quiet just a quiet muttering chatter until they squabble a little then it's "quack quack" for a minute or two, then all settles down again. At least they've made friends with one of my neighbor's chickens, who free ranges in our yard ;-) maybe they'll warm up to me, they are seeming to get the idea that I bring the water and food, so they wait until I turn towards the door to the run, and then make a beeline to the water and feed.
These are very good ducks! They are very tame, and love attention. The one thing is they have some leg problems, because their legs are so short. But overall they make great pets! And they are very smart, and food driven! They are also ver beautiful birds!
Pros: beautifull gracefull birds
Cons: dont know
blue swedish are amazing birds i highly recomend
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