
Crested White

I got this history from Metzer Farms: The White Crested is also a classic breed, having...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
Breed Size
Large Fowl
I got this history from Metzer Farms:
The White Crested is also a classic breed, having records of its presence as early as 1660 due them being in paintings of Jan Steen. Other Dutch painters such as d'Hondecoeter, Dirk Wyntrack (1670), Peter Casteels III (1723) and Aart Schouman (at the end of the eighteenth century) also show Crested ducks. Interestingly the Crested duck was admitted into the American Registry (1874) before the British Registry (by 1910). Though they can make a good utility bird (eggs and meat) their popularity waned and it wasn't until the 1980s that their popularity rose again. According to several books, 25% of fertile eggs produced from Crested parents will die prematurely and 33% are supposed to hatch without crests.
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Pros: people-loving, lots of personality, mature quickly, adorable
Cons: crest is caused by sometimes-lethal gene
My crested ducks - not all of which are white - are amazing. They love people and tamed very easily. They have unique, quirky personalities, have no problem fitting in with new flockmates,
and love to be handled. Their crests, which vary from barely-there to large-and-in-charge double crests, make them utterly adorable and the "centerpiece" of the flock. They went from tiny, newborn ducklings to fully feathered in less than two months. Breeding them is sort of a morality dilemma - their crests are caused by a gene that causes a small hole in the top of the skull, which can be lethal, causing some eggs to never hatch. That being said, I think everyone should have at least one Crested, even if it's just so you can look at their goofy little heads and give them lots of cuddles!
Pros: very sweet, calm, and love attention!
Cons: can be scared easy
i have 2 white crested, a drake and a hen, they are very sweet and calm, they don't have a HUGE crest in their heads but they have medium sized ones, they love to swim and they are not as messy as other ducks with water. they are one the most docile birds i have.
Pros: Very Friendly. Good looking. Center of attention.
Cons: (pooping just like any other duck)
I love this breed honestly. They are really friendly with me and the other animals in the yard. They are the center of attention when people come around. I recommend this duck.


My Crested White drake has been in weather down to -20F in Montana and he doesn't do any better or worse than the other larger (non-runner) ducks.
Hi I have 3 crested pekin ducks. They are 5 months old. I thought I had 2 females and 1 male. 2 have a loud quack the 3rd doesn't. for a while it was only the duck we thought was the male that would go on top of the 2 in the pool. Now one of the ones we thought was a female goes on top of what we think is the other female. I am so confused. none of them have that curl feather on the tail. any other way to tell the sex?

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