

Faverolles are a dual purpose breed that originates in France. They were originally bred to be...
Pros: friendly, quiet, don't mind being held, seem like good egg-layers.
Cons: none so far.
I just got my three 24 week old bantam Faverolles a few weeks ago, and so far, they are great chickens! These are my first chickens, and they seem very friendly and don't mind being picked up. They are molting right now,and we have only gotten three eggs so far, so I don't know about egg production just yet
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Pros: Intelligent, lots of personality, can be easily trained, adorable, talkative
Cons: The eggs are a little smaller, but who cares!
It's a toss up between Brahmas and Faverolles as to which is my favorite breed. My girls were living with Brahma cockerels for a little while and my little Faverolles would kick the roos butts if they tried to mate them. It was the funniest thing, especially since the roos were much bigger than the girls. So, needless to say I haven't had a problem with them being submissive. I have two Favs and they are the best of friends, each will make sure the other is inside safe and sound before they will go up on the roost for the night. If you want a quiet bird, this isn't it. If they have something to say the tell the whole neighborhood, but I love that about them. So much personality they just have to let it out:)
Pros: Curious, friendly, non-aggressive, leader, fun to watch
Cons: Hard to catch, doesn't like to be held

Our Faverolle is still young and hasn't laid eggs yet, but unlike other reviews, she is not submissive and is at the top of the pecking order. She isn't aggressive towards the other hens, but always takes the lead. We got her when she was already ready to go outside, so she hasn't been trained to be held or easily caught. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Her name is "Dog Chicken" because she runs like a dog, sleeps on her back, and chases any bird that lands in the yard. She is really fun to watch and I would recommend this breed.
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Pros: Friendly,good pets, very good egg layers
Cons: I don't have one yet!!!
I'm looking forward to getting some next year! I'm mainly getting them because there good egg layers and pets.
Pros: Freindly, adorable, bearded, fluffy, ect.
Cons: None so far!
I love my little Favie! Her name is Sammy-Ella, although we mostly just call her Sammy, which fits her pretty well! She's so freindly and sweet! I love how when their run their feathers on their toes makes their feet look giant :) She's just 17 weeks, so I'm sure how well she lays.

I would love to get another if I could!!

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Pros: beautiful, friendly
Cons: extremely timid in mixed flock
Our favs our lovely birds, but complete sissies in our mixed flock. They stay in the coop all day, rather than risk the dangers of being out in the run with the other birds. On the plus side, if you pick them up, they will cuddle in your lap and take a nap.
Pros: steady layers, winter hardy, confines well, docile
Cons: can get injured by other breeds,slow to mature, bad feed conversion
I own purebred Faverolles purchased as eggs through the mail from a reputable breeder in Texas. They were a bit pricey, but well worth it.

They are still growing to their full size at 23 weeks, and are already much bigger than my other hens. As a general rule, I have noticed that they lay a smaller egg than my production birds, but they do tend to lay almost daily (which can be unusual in dual purpose breeds). These hens are very docile, and do not mind being carried about as I do my chores around the yard.

I would warn those who purchase this breed to be ready to provide alternative housing away from other breeds. This is an extremely docile breed of bird, and like mine, may not even stand up for themselves enough to make sure they get food and water. The other birds recognize it, and even putting out multiple feeders can be too little to compensate for their timidness.
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Pros: cant say yet
Cons: cant say yet
They are soo tiny they have feathered legs and feet. They seem to get along great with the other chicks
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We have a gorgeous salmon faverolle girl (Gwendolyn) she is an absolute beauty, her cockerel loves her to bits (he's a cross, but he has the lovely eyes and extra toes that mean he may well have some faverolle in him himself). She's also the only chicken we have who can do simple tricks! :D
Pros: None that I can think of!
Cons: Eats a lot, loud, unfriendly, picks my other hens feathers out
I like this bird at first, but it only got worse with age! My pullet is extremely loud, picks all the feathers out of my hen's backs. She also has no intention of being friends with me. Not to mention she eats tons. The only thing keeping her at bay is my EE bantam. I had a horrible experience with this breed and will never get another.
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Pros: Docile, sweet, cold-hardy, beautiful, make excellent pets as they are cuddly
Cons: Allow themselves to be bullied, smaller eggs, chicks can be delicate, can have a hard time in the heat
My faverolles are wonderful pet chickens! They are sweet, and love to hop into my lap for a snuggle. One of my faverolles named Derperella has won the heart of everyone she's ever met, online and off! These would make great pets for children as my favs have never been aggressive nor have they tried to bite/peck. They love to shove their heads into my arms for a snuggle and often take a nap like that.
Because of their docile nature, in a mixed flock my faverolles are at the bottom of the pecking order, and don't at all stand up for themselves. The others will push them off of food and sometimes this gets bad enough that I have to feed my favs separately.

My birds were also very winter hardy, and hardly seemed to notice the cold at all when my other birds were fluffed and trying to stay warm. On the flip side, my faverolles always seem to be the first to be panting when it gets warmer, and they seem to overheat the fastest.

If egg production is important to you, they do lay, but the eggs are small and they are not 'egg machines' like some of the other popular breeds. I get on average 3-4 eggs per week out of each hen.

I think it's awesome how goofy they look. I guess the quirkiness in them calls to me :) Definitely want one.
Pros: sweet, inquisitive personality; beautiful
Cons: small eggs
I have four Favs in my GP, and love them for their friendly, hang-out-with-you personalities. They are my husband's favorites, because they always come "help" him whenever he has something to work on in the chicken coop/yard. They stand around at his feet supervising and offering advice.
I would have lots more, except the GP chickens are for producing eating eggs, and while they are good layers, their eggs are much smaller than the others. I will still always keep some, though...they add a lot to the group.
As others have mentioned, they are not at all assertive, so if you have them in with other breeds make sure you have several Favs so they can stick together. They are very docile.
Pros: Beautiful, sweet, docile,
Cons: get food stuck to their faces
I love these birds. The rooster is so colorful and docile, and the hens are very friendly and sweet. They werent the best of layers, but they weren't the worst. I would average 10 eggs a week between the 2 hens when they were laying. They were medium tinted eggs. I love their poofy cheeks and beards. They crack me up. They are very quirky, curious, funny girls. Mr. Fluffers has been a wonderful rooster. He's the first I have ever had and maybe I just got lucky. But I don't think so. He's very good to his girls. He doesn't hurt them during mounting and calls them when he finds treats. I've seen him walking around, making the come here noise, with a treat in his mouth looking for them to share. He even defends them against the neighbors rooster. I have no aggression issues with him towards my small children either. He does not however like one of my silkie hens, and I have caught him being mean to her. So now I keep the silkies in a separate coop now just to protect the one.

Over all I give them top marks. I can't wait to get even more.

Pros: quirky personalities, sweet, calm, docile birds, males feather in different colored than females making them easy to tell apart
Cons: slow to lay and their beards can get messy!
My favie Ichabod is around 9 months old, and still doesn't look close to laying! But that's just fine by me. She is a doll! Why Ichabod? Well, I can thank my dad for that name...she has so much cheek fluff that from the back (and even from the front at times), she looks headless...much like Ichabod Crane from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow

She is so darling and quirky, and just so darned adorable looking! If you want a sweet, quite bird with tons of personality and good looks, Salmon Faverolles are for you!

Pros: Very Sweet, Good Winter Layers, Perfect First Flock
Cons: Medium Eggs
We have three salmon faverolles. Super sweet! And fantastic with the rest of our city "farm" (our Great Pyr. Mix and Shepherd Mix ... and HUGE cat). They're very good winter layers (we get at least two eggs/day). Very friendly. They like to follow us around the yard and come when they're called (craziness, I know). Not aggressive in the least and very smart (almost expressive). My only complaint is that we didn't get more!!
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Pros: Friendly, great with children, good layers
Cons: bottom of the pecking order
These girls are my favorite. They are very reliable layers thus far. They are the friendliest of my flock. They follow you around like little puppies. They are also the best with our children, letting them handle them hand feed them etc.
The only draw back is that with the exception of one SF hen with attitude, they are the bottom of the pecking order and they are easily picked on.
Great birds, prolific and seem to be easy to look after.
Pros: Great for neighbors.
Cons: Small eggs.
I have 3 faverolles, and I'm glad I have 3 so they can stick together. As I add to my flock, I think I'll be concerned about these girls being at the bottom of the pecking order. They are very quiet, very sweet, and completely nonaggressive. Not my smartest birds, they follow my Delaware around and let her show them where to go. Great for children, though more shy than friendly. They'd rather run away from my kids than come up and beg for a snack. The only big con: though they lay very well (4-5 times a week) the eggs are medium-sized so I don't use them to bake with. Three of their eggs equals two large in a recipe.
Pros: Attractive feathering, Love the 5th toe
I keep the salmon variety and just enjoy having them because of how different they are. 5th toe is always a conversation starter.

In my experience they have always been friendly and a nice addition to my flocks.
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