
Golden Pheasant

Goldens come from China.
Pros: Beautiful!! Calm, Hearty in all weather conditions
Cons: None!!
My dad had some and he loved them!
Pros: Quiet, lovely, small, don't eat much
Cons: Don't lay much, require very high protein and large enclosures
I've always been enamored of Goldens and finally owned a pair, starting April 2016. They're lovely, quiet, little birds that pack a lot if color and beauty into a tiny space. I found their temperaments did best when allowed a very large space with other species of fowl.
Pros: Easy to raise and breed. Spectacular and various colors in a small package. Tame easily to hand feeding.
Cons: Require larger enclosures than other poultry.
Golden pheasants are the gateway to ornimental pheasants. There colors an temperment make for some most enjoyable "other poultry".
They are easy to breed and raise. The most important aspect of rearing pheasants is BIOSECURITY. They should not be kept with other poultry, especially chickens. They can contract diseases from chickens that will kill them and show no sign until too late to attempt treatment.
Anyone contemplating getting pheasants, should consider Goldens as a beginners choice for entering the world of pheasantry.
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Pros: Beautiful, cold hardy, warm hardy, efficient, calm
Cons: Harder to breed than most domestic birds, can be flighty
The golden pheasant. Everyone has probably seen one at some point in a zoo or aviary. You see them and you will be sure to comment on the brilliance of the male, you probably won't even see a hen. You will probably think that they are only ever kept in zoos as such, and that they would be impossible to keep in your back garden. You couldn't be more wrong. They are a fantastic bird to have in an aviary in your garden. They are modest in their needs and will certainly be a talking point next time you have a BBQ. And surprisingly they are very easy to source. I suggest you get to work on an aviary right now!!!!!
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