

Sir John Saunders Sebright created this tiny ornamental bantam in the early 1800's having the...
Pros: Adorable eggs, docile, BEAUTIFUL, heat hardy, occasionally broody, small size so they eat less feed and take up less room
Cons: Small eggs, hens crow like roosters are are loud, shy, bottom of pecking order, flighty, need to roam or else they get mean
I bought two white sebrights and one we had to get rid of right away because even though she was laying eggs she was crowing! The other one was very friendly and laid cute eggs regularly. But after having her for two years, she too started crowing and acting mean because she was constantly confined. So don't get the sebright if you have limited space, are looking for a docile, cold hardy, good layer and calm chicken. But if you have space and don't mind crowing then get the sebright because they are one of the most beautiful chickens out there and lay cute eggs.
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Pros: Don't need much space, cool looking feathers
Cons: They fly, roosters were mean, skittish
Sebrights have absolutely cool looking feathers almost snakes. I ordered about 4 or 5 Sebrights with an assortment of bantams and got one hen and the rest roosters a mix of silver and gold. The roosters were not friendly at all, often would get attacked when I was passing out food. The hen was nice but always flew or ran away when I went up to her. They don't lay a lot and the eggs are tiny. The chickens are easy to step on themselves.
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Pros: purdy birds
Had two sebright hens from TSC, they loved to free range the backyard all day usually under pine trees or bushes, would be noisy if u didnt let them out, would return to coop close to dark, averaged 1.3 eggs a day between the two of them. Were skiddish, never could pick them up but they would get close in hopes of a treat.
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i am getting some sebrights on Monday am I want to know if u can show them
Pros: Good layer, great mother, cautious
Cons: Independent, skittish, broods anywhere hidden
My Seabright, mated with our Fury footed Bantam Roo, and when our Regular size Roo grew up and took over the coop he refused to go back in. So she followed him anywhere which was to roost in the trees! Even through the winter! Her comb lost its red shine.. Every time she goes broody which is 3 times a year, she picks the weirdest spots (our insulation) and kept them to herself. Very protective, keeps them away from the rest of the flock, and still refuses to come back to the coop even to keep them protected from the weather. I finally gave up and made her a well protected spot that regular chickens cannot fit into and now she roosts there, thank goodness. 8 out of 10 eggs hatch, and she is a great mother to each flock but will NOT take anothers eggs under her. She has one kid per brood that she keeps with her outside, allowing the others (when come of age to be independent) to roost in the coop and find a mate. During a few horrible fox attacks, my regular flock was attacked but her and her chicks always survived. I am in Louisiana and I don't care what the weather is like, she lays almost every single day. BUT, she will not lay in the hen boxes often. When she is ready, if another hen is there, she wont wait her turn...she will find some weird spot, until I find them, then she will find another. Definitely NOT friendly, but I dont think that is the breed because her kids are.
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Pros: gorgeous
Cons: real punks; agressive; bad protectors
I have a golden sebright cockerel from Ideal (well at least that's what I think, the feed store and they had an Ideal poster hanging next to all the chick brooders) and I hate him. He's human-aggressive, and doesn't protect his girls at all. He only has two girls to take care of, and he let one of them get eaten by a predator. He doesn't do any of the things a rooster should do, like call his girls over for treats, warn them of predators, etc. He hogs all the food and puts himself first. And attacks my family and friends. We have 3 kids under the age of 3 here everyday, and we are constantly afraid of him attacking them. He crows ALL the time.

It could be that I just got a bad egg (er, chick rather) or maybe just Ideal's roos are mean.

Also, it'll be 45 degrees out and he'll be shivering. I like more cold hardy breeds. So if you live in th Northeast, don't get sebrights unless you plan on heating your coop or having them as pets in the winter.

The only plus side is that he really is a pretty bird. Even if he is "just hatchery stock".

Here he is:


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Pros: Small, friendly
Cons: Not great egg layers
I got my first two sebright hens about a month ago, they are about 20 weeks now. I am new to bantams, my backyard flock is regular sized hens. I haven't gotten any eggs from them yet. They tend to stick together and don't get picked on or pick on the other girls (although they are at the bottom of the pecking order right now). They stay close to me when I am out in the yard. They don't let me touch them but will get very close if I stay still. I do live in the city and have a 4ft fence. They have not jumped it at all, unlike my flightly leghorns that I am constantly herding back into the yard. I do keep one wing clipped (but that doesn't stop my leghorns). Overall I like the sebrights. They aren't my favorite but they are a sweet little bird that is very pretty. I tend to stick with birds that are better egg layers but the sebrights were from a friend that needed to get rid of them so I was happy to take them home.
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Pros: beautiful adorable
Cons: napolean complex...like a chihuahua.
I wish they had better personalities. they are so pretty. but they are picking on the other chickens I had with them to the point I had to separate them. they were pulling their head feathers out.
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Pros: So beautiful, talkative, fun to watch
Cons: Horrible layers, tiny eggs, sort of flighty
My Sebrights are beautiful, talkative, and funny to watch. They are not good layers, only giving me about 3 eggs a week, from all 4 of them! They are sort of flighty, like Leghorns, unless you spend a lot of time with them. They wouldn't make the best city bird because of their ability to fly over 5 feet enclosures (speaking from experience), but wing trimming can easily fix that. They might be a good bird for out in the country, a bird that can defend itself from predators. I would recommend this breed to anybody who needs a bird that can defend itself from predators, doesn't care about the rate of egg laying or the size of the egg, and are willing to spend a lot of time with their birds.
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Pros: tiny, need very ittle space, beautiful, personality plus!
Cons: have a sharp little crow, can be difficult to hatch
These tiny bantams are perfect for a backyard or garden. they are so small they will not damage your plants. However, they do need fencing with a top netting as they fly very well. They are so beautiful and have such striking markings that even "non-chicken" people will find them impressive. Have lots of personality and take to patient training very well. Can become quite a pet. There is a marked difference between show stock and hatchery stock. Breeding and Hatching is best for a experienced breeder. These make excellent show birds as they have that "look at me" attitude from day old babies. Most important for rearing is to keep them dry and out of the wind. They are small enough that they can be kept indoors quite well, so long as they get outside for a few hours on the grass. And since the male and female are identically marked, a person living in the city can have girls without boys and not be sad about not having a rooster.
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he grows slow and is tiny but very brave and curious
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Pros: Pretty, Flighty
Cons: Not good layers
I like them because they are gd flyers
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Pros: Beautiful Plumage, smart little thing.
Cons: cant think of any...

My sebright is still too young to lay eggs but she is coming along pretty well.
Look at her posing for the photo... "Just LOOK at Me... arn't I prurdy?"

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Pros: cute, funny to watch, dont eat as much as other birds, save money on food,
Cons: flighty, mean to bigger breeds if in captivity
Great little birds. Sweetest bird next to my one rir. Love any snack i give them. Just an all out great bird to have. Roosters are so cute when little and learning to crow.
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Pros: Cool coloring,very active and fun to watch,very friendly
Cons: A little hard to come by show quality birds
Despite what people say about them being skittish I found mine to be fairly calm and with a little handling they are now 6 weeks old and will jump up into my lap to be petted.

I would reccomend this bird to anybody who likes a fun active little bird.
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We only have one of these beauties in our coop, and I wish we had more! Ours is a golden laced male named Reeses and boy he knows he's pretty. He has a flighty, somewhat aggressive personality but they are beautiful to look at! So far, our chickens aren't old enough to be too aggressive with each other, but i have a feeling we will be separating him from some of the others..it will be a plus if we plan to show him anyway!
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Pros: Beautiful, small
Cons: Flighty, can be noisy, flies over fences and onto roofs, mean to sweet small family dog.
Our particular silver Sebright was super shy of other people and animals but she got along well with other chickens. Mine bonded with a bantam Americana and they were attached at the hip BFFs! We allowed them to free range a lot so our Sebright hen would end up on the 6ft fence between my neighbor and myself with her best friend Americana, just walking the fence checking out the view of the neighbors yard. When I them cooped up they would get noisy. We loved her for her beautiful and curious nature and the bond she shared with her friend, but they are not the best suited for tiny urban backyards.
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This is our first year raising chickens & we got one of these golden gals in our bantam bunch. She is a very friendly bird & does well with all the otehr varieties & sizes we have. She is definitely one of our prettiest girls out there too!
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Pros: very ornimental
Cons: little bit flighty
Had two groups for breeding, the goldens and silvers. Hens and Roos were both skittish. But they were very beautiful.
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Pros: Beautiful Birds, Easy to Find for Purchase, Entertaining
Cons: Flighty, Not Easily Tamed, Predator-Pickings if Free-Ranged
These are very pretty birds, perfect size for holding. Unfortunately, they don't enjoy being held very much, even from day one. With regular handling can become tolerant of handling, but I've never seen one seek it out. Lay as expected for a tiny bantam, so obviously just a nice, pretty ornamental breed. Unfortunately, it's one of those breeds that I would never free-range, because a small hawk or cat could pluck up your whole flock without an issue, so they can't decorate your yard, just the inside of a coop and run.
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