Search results for query: Abbreviations

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  1. Farm on magnolia


    Can someone tell me what the abbreviations mean FMDC and FMDP?
  2. Wezdin

    Chicken name Abbreviations

    @Jenwisp gave me the great idea to make a list of all the chicken name abbreviations, because honestly I can't remember them all :lol: I started a Google doc with the list started, anyone can add to it if they want. Go Crazy! Here's the link...
  3. jonezjollyfarm

    Vocabulary words and abbreviation?

    Is there a thread or a link with all the vocabulary and abbreviations that are used in chicken tending and on here? I did a search and didn't find much. Can we compile them and create one? I know I'm no newbie but also no expert but I find myself wondering what some of the words and...
  4. H

    Can someone help with these abbreviations on Breeds please

    Can someone please help with these abbreviations on some chicken breeds I got, I wasn't able to pick up my chicks so I sen't my bf and he was clueless and they just wrote letters on the boxes, I tried to figure them out but theses are the ones I couldn't. And I knew if anyone knew you guys...
  5. machuni

    Weird Egg Abbreviations

    Hello all, for xmas, my dad ordered me a dozen fertilized eggs off Amazon, which came today. I know a few of the abbreviations (BR=Barred Rock, RR-Rhode Island Red), but there are quite a few that have me stumped. I've listed them exactly as they're written on the eggs: 1: SB? BT 2. AZR...
  6. fatherofclucks

    Abbreviations for chicken breads

    I have looked on this sight looking for a list of chickens and their abbreviations, because so many people use them on here and we don't know what breed they are referring too. Can someone lead me to a thread or link when we can learn them. Thanks
  7. LunarBug

    Identify these Bantam Abbreviations for Me Please

    I received in a mix of bantams and I'm scratching my head on some of these abbreviations. Can you help me out? WBA LBD LBA (not pictured)
  8. tadkerson

    Using abbreviated terms for breeds/varieties

    I am sure this has be touched upon before but I want to add my two cents. I have noticed many individuals on this forum have been using abbreviated terms in posts to name breed/varieties. In the post, one should define the abbreviated term. For example, I crossed a silver-laced wyandotte...
  9. pigeonguy

    BYC Abbreviations

    This is just my opinion but I think this should be available at the top of the page along with the tabs that say Home, Learning center, Forum and so on without having to look for it. That way members can click back and forth between...
  10. ecarey2012

    Need help with abbreviations

    Hey all, I hope some one can help. A friend of mine is hatching out some chicks (they should hatch out on 4/7). He got the eggs from a friend of a friend of a friend, you know how it goes. The problem is along with the obvious RIR's, and Silkies, are eggs marked "ARB" and "SSH". I think "SSH"...
  11. CluckyCharms

    Help with F Abbreviation please

    Hi, I'd like some help please. I see F1, F2 and then "This one is an F3"...F4 etc in relation to certain breeds while I'm reading posts. It makes no sense to me, as I don't know what any of those are supposed to mean. The only thing I see is "tornado" when reading that. Can someone...
  12. cheekymama

    commonly used, but not in definitions or abbreviations--x2

    I'm a newbie from NC, with 6 chickies (Rock and Wyandotte). At least one may be x2--I get the impression it's not favorable.
  13. Lothiriel

    BYC Glossary & Index of Abbreviations - Ideas and suggestions!

    I'm helping Nifty with some projects and one is an Index of Abbreviations. Lots of new peeps get confused when they see us old salts using terms like "GLW" or "BBR OEGB." So I've compiled this list. If anyone would like to give it a once-over (or a twice over, if you like), and post any...
  14. chicken Queen


    Can someone spell out some of the abbreviations that folks use on the site. Like EE, BO, etc . for name of chickens . For us newbies it is kind of fun to figure out ,but makes it hard sometimes to read.
  15. stone_family3

    Breed Abbreviations on eggs, any guesses?

    I bought these eggs off CL, the guy had over 75 breeds, said they were show. He had a friend meet me half way, eggs were written on, now I'm trying to figure out what breeds based on the abbreviations. Any guesses? SCLBL SL SC RCBL SCA Thanks everyone :)
  16. Mattsculpt

    Abbreviations for Chicken Breeds, Varieties and Patterns

    I hope this is in the right place. I'm trying to get together a list of the abbreviations used here for chicken breeds or varieties and patterns. I've pulled and sorted these from this thread and from Chicken Junkie's page...
  17. JustPeachy

    She's selling Sub Q Body Odor? Abbreviation alternatives!

    When I first joined this thread I would get to an abbreviation that I didn't know what it meant and my mind would go through all of these crazy combinations trying to figure out what that abbreviation meant, have you done this, or do you see some other silly thing everytime you see an...
  18. ChickenChaser34432

    Poultry Abbreviations/Acronyms

    There are alot of abbreviations used in chicken chat that can be confusing to new members. I found a nice list of these abbreviations and their meanings at . Hope this helps someone as much as it did me!
  19. tadandrita

    Poultry Abbreviations

    I could have sworn I saw a list of poultry abbreviations and what they mean (ie: BB, EE,) in the learning center on I can't find it. Can anybody shoe me in the right direction or some other site so I can learn the language?¿?!¡
  20. chuckzoo

    Need help abbreviating my credentials

    I am writing a formal letter and need to add my credentials. It has been such a long time since I have needed to do this I have forgotten the abbreviations! How do I abbreviate the following; Diploma - Public Relations, Diploma - Human resource management, BSc, MSc?
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