Search results for query: chicks and no power

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  1. MamaChick20

    Power outage steps for week old chicks!!! Tips and also looking for suggestions!!

    Hey Yall!! I’m new to group and a new chicken tender!! I have 4 babies (2f and 2m) and they are all about a couple of days old to a week. I got them yesterday so I mean like brand spanking new at this 😅 A couple of minutes ago we had a power outage and I just wanted to come on here and share...
  2. K

    Power outage baby chicks

    We just got our one day old chicks home and had a heat lamp all set up- and the power went out on our street! What else can we do for them? We are boiling water on the gas stove and going to put it in a jar with towels,m around it, any other ideas?
  3. Es_In_Miami

    Slow developing eggs?

    Long story and some commentary. This is a weird one, at least for me. I have hatched eggs about a dozen times succesfully, four with my Brinsea Maxi 24 Advanced with this being my fifth. This last batch we had a problem with the incubator, and power outages. The turning motor stopped working. I...
  4. LaurenRitz

    Solar powered chicks

    I got chicks this morning. Their box is next to a sunny window, and when the sun comes out they all abandon the heater to fight over who gets the sun. I just thought it was entertaining.
  5. doomsie

    Sudden power outage, baby chicks in the brooder. Ideas?

    Hi all, posting from my phone since we’re experiencing a total power outage following some severe storms. I have 6 baby leghorns in the brooder, just got them yesterday, and now there’s no heat. We have an emergency generator that we’re going to have to pull out to get things going again, but...
  6. 8

    Power went out JUST as a chick pipped!

    One out of 2 of my viable shipped eggs JUST pipped JUST as the power went out 😱😱😱 The incubator has dropped in temp rapidly but the humidity is still good does anyone have any tips?! Power is estimated to return in 3hrs!
  7. Snowy_Idaho

    Power outage with 2 week old chicks

    I have 5 chicks that are 2 weeks old, and our power went out 30 minutes ago. I’m utilizing a brooder plate with sand and a grow mat underneath - the sand should be warm for a bit longer. The house is 67 degrees Fahrenheit and retains heat well (outside is 37 Fahrenheit). Any idea at what...
  8. 0range

    4am Coffee Run For Baby Chicks

    On Wednesday night a bad storm knocked the power out for about 16 hours. Even though it's pretty warm, my 8 day old baby chicks were getting cold and I wasn't able to hold them all night. So, being the unresourceful city girl that I am despite living in the country for years, I did what I know...
  9. C

    Power just went out with 3 week old chicks

    I have 16 3 week old chicks and the power went out. Where they are is between 75-80 degrees so not sure how worried I should get about heat or not. If so what are some good ways to help, and if not I won't worry
  10. B

    Emergency power went out and I have 3 day old chicks

    The power is going to be out for 12 Hours and I have 3 day old coining cross chicks 20 of them any ideas on how to keep them warm
  11. Kariann

    Power outage! Chicks that just hatched today, and incubating eggs that have 4 more days, and chicks 2 weeks to 2 months old!

    Power will likely be out for awhile. How to I keep all of these guys warm enough?? Help!
  12. Kel60

    how to handle power outages with new hatched chicks (curious, NOT emergency)

    i was looking at the weather report for tomorrow and with the big ass storm headed our way, the possibility of power outages due to snow was mentioned. i realized i have no idea what id do with my chicks if the power went out. i mean if it was an hour or two you could just like cuddle them or...
  13. S

    Chicks are hatching and the power went out!

    I have three quail chicks that are two days old in the brooder, two freshly hatched chicks in the incubator, and another egg that pipped a few hours ago. The power outage is expected to last for four more hours. For the eggs that are hatching and the damp chicks, what should I do? I keep...
  14. Ihavesomechickens

    Baby chick power outage

    My chicks are currently a week old. Today’s been an especially windy day and just a few minutes ago the power went out for a couple minutes. I am currently scared because if the power goes out during the night the chicks heating pad will go out and they might freeze. I was wondering if anyone...
  15. sweetwatermountain

    Keeping Chicks Warm Without Power

    I just woke up and the power is out. We don’t have a generator. I don’t know how long it’s been out. We have 6 2-week old chicks that we use a heat lamp with. They seem comfy right now but what do i do if the power stays out and they start to get cold?
  16. A

    Power outage with 2 week old chicks

    I have 9 two week old chicks. The power went out anout an hour ago, we moved them upstairs into our living room with some natural light, but it’s not very sunny out. They usually have a heat lamp but it’s out right now. I put in a hot water bottle and none of them are going near it, covered the...
  17. HH0611

    Power out and 7 chicks inside eggs

    A transformer blew near my house and my power is out. They can’t get it back on until 6:45. Will my eggs be okay? Would taking the incubator outside to keep it warm in the sun work? Would it hurt the eggs? I’m a little anxious about what to do and if they are going to be okay. Any help or...
  18. humblehillsfarm

    Power went out with 1.5 week old chicks

    I have had a stressful, relatively sleepless past two months. I was laying in bed last night finally about to go to sleep, and the power went out. -.- I waited ten minutes while thinking of a game plan, and it didn't come back on. I drug myself out of bed, boiled some water (gas stove) and...
  19. Lumikko

    Power outage - 3/4 day old chicks

    Hello all. Looking for a little advice. We brought home two additional chicks yesterday (hatched Wed/Thurs) and our power has gone out. Its currently 81°F under the heat plate, 77°F in the warmest part of their brooder, and about 72°F at the end furthest away from the plate. The pair are...
  20. Littlefrenchyinbigtexas

    Crazy artic blast here and no power for long hours. Here’s how I kept my baby/young chicks warm!

    I hope this does not happen again, but if it does, any other suggestions?
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