Search results for query: broody+rooster

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  1. L

    No rooster but broody hen.

    1 of my Barred Rocks is broody I believe, I never see her out in the run eating or drinking, the coop does have food and water. Since I have a roll out nest box she only ever has 1 egg under her and when she gets up that one rolls out. My ? is should I do anything or just let her be?
  2. TeachMEchickens

    Broody rooster??

    Okay, so I know he's not actually broody, but can a rooster keep eggs warm enough throughout the night? My hen just started sitting on eggs, but I have a rooster who always sleeps in the nesting box where most of the hens like to lay. He kicked the hen out tonight and is sitting on the eggs...
  3. K

    Strange Rooster Behavior

    I have a Rooster that I removed from the chicken run and coop. I had too many Roos for my hens and this one was a mixed breed who I named “Ugly” because he just isn’t that pretty. Well, he is now my favorite. I have some 8 week old youngsters (36 in fact) that I began free ranging and he is...
  4. R

    Advice on broody hen and baby rooster

    Howdy! Whats your guys advice on how to introduce a baby rooster to my super broody hen. She went broody over three weeks ago she only leaves her eggs to eat or dust bath or at times I’ve had to force her out so she doesn’t starve lol. We don’t have any roosters so obviously the eggs aren't...
  5. PoppasGrill

    Our bantam went broody, but our Polish Rooster is setting on eggs..

    Found it odd when our Barred Rock bantam, Crowella, went broody on full size eggs. Cute the way she spread out to try and cover 9 eggs. We were worried about her not getting down to eat, since she is tiny anyway, but went out for afternoon feeding and she was down eating. Took advantage of her...
  6. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster attacking broody hen

    Hey there I have a silkie rooster that is of unknown age. He has been fine until recently my silver wyndotte went broody and he's been going after her. Nothing too violent but chases her anytime he sees her acting broody She is the lowest ranked hen of the flock too. They can still be together...
  7. Canadian Wind

    Rooster brooding. Is this normal?

    Greetings! As the title says, I have a rooster sitting on an egg! He's a bantam Cochin, and today I found him in a nesting box sitting on an egg and making 'come hither' sounds. Is he just trying to lure one of the hens to come sit? I know Cochin are renown for being broody at the drop of a...
  8. Lilion

    Broody or hiding from the rooster?

    I have the strangest behavior from one of my hens. I only have 3 (Eenie, Meanie, and Sheba) l plus my rooster (Manny). He has been pretty amorous. One girl (Sheba) has bald spots over her wings and Eenie's back is looking pretty ragged. Eenie has taken to staying in the nest box all the time...
  9. F

    Broody King Quail Rooster

    I have a bonded pair of King Quail (everyone calls them buttons here ?)living alone in their own private enclosure and the hen has started laying eggs (they are new to my aviary).. I made the mistake of taking the first one and the pair seemed devastated and destroyed the nest as they built...
  10. kaywelton

    New Rooster on the Block

    So, the neighbors behind us have a rooster and chickens now. And since the rooster came, our hens have all but stopped laying, one is extremely broody (she literally isn’t sitting on any eggs either but won’t leave the boxes) and another is looking egg bound now. We were getting so many eggs...
  11. M

    Broody Golden Comet with no Rooster

    I have a Broody Golden Comet. At first I thought she was just cold or ill, but nope she is Broody. We got the eggs from under her and today I went out and she's sitting on more today. When I tried to get them she went mad! Mind you we have NOOO Rooster so it's not like they can hatch...
  12. Estrella

    Buff Orpington girl won’t leave nestbox in dead winter

    Hi all you smart people out there; I have a 10 month old Buff Orpington girl who spends the entire days in the nest box - in the middle of the coldest winter in years in Sweden - without laying any eggs. She will eventually get up and roost at night, but she runt to the preferred nestbox early...
  13. S

    Rooster Charging at Broody Hen? What is happening here?

    Hello All, I have a very broody Orpington right now. What is strange is yesterday, I saw the rooster peck at her(quite hard). Today, he charged at her a few times. She's one of my favourite hens, and putting him in the stew pot did cross my mind... What is going on, and why is he behaving...
  14. J

    Broody Silkie Roo

    I have 2 Silkie roos about 6 months old. I have 7 hens that are laying - 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Plymouth barred rocks, 2 Australorps, 1 special needs brown leghorn - and they use a communal nest, for the most part. The 2 roos will intermittently sit on the nest and eggs and guard/defend it/them...
  15. K

    Broody hen-no rooster

    Hello, One of my hens went broody and we are trying to break her of it. We don’t have a rooster and can’t hatch/give her any chicks (at our limit). We have tried removing her from the box every time she gets in, letting her sit on a frozen water bottle and bathing her in cold water. Nothing...
  16. Ponyiqandhens2

    Broody hen cracked egg and do roosters have preferred hens?

    Ok, I have a second broody hen,a lovely Olive egger. I marked and removed all but 3 standard eggs. I did let her keep 5 bantam eggs as well. I did not candle the bantam eggs at 5-6 days,assuming that the bantam roo bred them ..I did candle her egg,ee egg and australorp egg.. fast forward day...
  17. Sidneyeve98

    Rooster and broody hen

    So i have a rooster and a hen and she has laid 12 eggs in her nest but she hasnt yet laid on them....when is she supposed to be laying on her eggs? She goes in and lays on her nest for like 10 min maybe each day like shes laying more eggs? and then is off foraging in the yard with the rooster...
  18. shotokun1115

    Rooster and broody hen

    Hi, a friend of mine give me 1 serama rooster and 1 serama hen. The hen went broody yesterday and I put them on a cage. The nest is also there. My question is, should I separate the rooster? He is a good rooster though. He didn't harass the hen, he even pecked me when I touch the eggs. Is it...
  19. M

    Do Roosters Choose Where a Hen Will Lay/Go Broody?

    Went out to the coop this afternoon to our rooster throwing a fit, and me of his hens in the middle nestbox but he kept throwing a fit and then going to the one on the far left please see attached video. Do roosters decide where hens should lay their eggs or go broody...
  20. thronesandroses

    Do roosters stop being fertile completely eventually? 3 broody hens, no fertile eggs. Advise please.

    We had a hen go broody which encouraged 2 others to go broody so now we have 3 broody hens. We have a rooster and would like to have the hens raise chicks naturally. This rooster has successfully given us chicks last year. We are trying not to interfere too much but have candled several of the...
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