Rooster brooding. Is this normal?

Canadian Wind

Duck Crazy Canuck
Premium Feather Member
Jul 25, 2022
Eastern Ontario
My Coop
My Coop
Greetings! As the title says, I have a rooster sitting on an egg! He's a bantam Cochin, and today I found him in a nesting box sitting on an egg and making 'come hither' sounds. Is he just trying to lure one of the hens to come sit?

I know Cochin are renown for being broody at the drop of a hat, but the males, too?? :lau
The first day I brought my Cubalaya rooster home he spent around 3 hours sitting on a clutch of eggs

I think these broody roosters embody the "nice guy" archetype
Not too sure about him being a nice guy, at least when his hormones are up! He does like the ladies, whether they are Standard or Banty! :lau He's just trying to lure them in.

I've been thinking about getting Cubalaya, such lovely birds, but will need to make special accommodations for them considering how cold it gets here.

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