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  1. Bettyboop7499

    Turkey with injured leg..

    Hello! My turkey has an injured leg and I’m really hoping to get some advice. My husband found him in the pond and when I got him dried off and warmed up I discovered this nasty injury. He can not put any weight on it. I have him in a nest box in the house and I put antibacterial medicine on...
  2. Bettyboop7499

    Swedish Blue Drakes???

    So I was thinking I had a bunch of drakes but then I read the bill’s are greenish and all mine look slate but the heads look darker than body so….what do you all think?
  3. Bettyboop7499

    Guinea chicks…difficult to raise??

    Hello EVERYONE, it has been awhile since I’ve been on…2020 hit and it is still hitting! Hope all is well and your Babies are thriving! My husband brought home Guinea chicks and I just put them with the rest of our chicks…the first night I lost three of the six😔 Then this morning I found one...
  4. Bettyboop7499

    What could cause this...

    Hello fellow Backyard Chickens & such peeps! I need your wisdom once again...I have a Cornish Cross that didn’t make it to culling last summer, today I noticed it wasn’t standing up and it’s toes were curled in, like folded in. And it looked rough to say the least. Is there some kind of...
  5. Bettyboop7499


    ...I’ve been on here I have missed you all! We are harvesting our chickens and I’m a little lost. Every YouTube video makes it look so simple...150* 1-2 minutes pluck feathers..2 minutes later clean bird!:hmm I‘m plucking by hand...The feathers come out easy but I have a ton of shafts left in...
  6. Bettyboop7499

    Duck is playing Hide & Seek...

    Hello BYC! Happy New Year! I haven't been on in awhile..sure have missed you all! So, among so many things going on on the farm I have been waiting FOREVER for my Pekin to start laying eggs, the Runners laid a few in late summer..then stopped. It got quite cold in October..I thought maybe...
  7. Bettyboop7499

    Duck to know?

    Hello BYC member! I have three ducks, one Pekin, one Chocolate Runner, and one Blue Runner. I was wondering how to tell their eggs from my Chickens eggs. I’ve attached a photo of four eggs and a quarter for size reference. I’m pretty sure the bluish/greenish eggs are from the Blue Runner...
  8. Bettyboop7499

    Momma got chicks....

    Hello, I had a Broody hen for two months! TWO MONTHS! I removed eggs, I took her off the nest several times...and she'd make another one! One day I happen to stop at TSC and they had Chicks so taken a risk I got four Amerucauns. I went and put them underneath her and she was like AH FINALLY...
  9. Bettyboop7499

    I almost killed one of my Blessing Ducks!!

    Hello BYC, My blessing Ducks are my four Runners. I had really wanted a couple of these ducks but decided we couldn't afford them & the female Pekin that I needed to get for Duck-Ducks..well,the shipper made a mistake and shipped me two male/female pair of runners (Chocolate & Blue). And..They...
  10. Bettyboop7499

    Bye-Bye Duck Duck..

    Hello BYC, I've lost one of my Male Pekin duck, I had one too many. So I was going to have to do, rsomething...but it appears nature took that burden from me. He passes away yesterday morning, I just don't know from what. He didn't have a cough, or anything obvious but I'm worried it somkind of...
  11. Bettyboop7499

    Are Broodies always rudie...

    Hey BYC, hope all are fabulous! I have a Rhode Island Red about a year old on a nest now for four days! She doesn't puff up or peck at me or anything but she is on that nest 24/7. I take a handful of food to her twice a day but I can't get her to drink...she is sitting on eggs. Is she broody...
  12. Bettyboop7499

    Introducing Ducklings to Duck-Duck?

    Hello All, I have seven knew ducklings and I would like to know the best way to introduce the younger ducks to the two older free range ducks I have. I intend on free ranging all of them once the little ones get old enough. I took three female Pekin ducklings out yesterday and sat with them...
  13. Bettyboop7499

    New turkey chicks...

    Hello, my hubby brought me home two turkeys! Which I have been wanting..However, I have no idea if they can be raised with chickens, or ducks. I have my new ducklings in the brooder, I put them in with them for now...other than instantly pecking the bands on the ducklings legs which I had to...
  14. Bettyboop7499

    So Blessed today!

    Hello! So excited! I ordered three female Pekin for my male Pekin, last summer I bought four from TS and they all turned out to be male, I have two left so I got them some girlfriends- they are going to be so happy:ya However, to my delight the shipper (who charged me a fortune) made a mistake...
  15. Bettyboop7499

    Awesome Husband of the day!!!

    Today he ran an underground waterline from the backyard up the back hill, to where my large garden is being established and Green House. I'm so very excited! He has saved my back in so many ways! I love that man! So appreciated! AND HE DID IT ALL WHILE I TOOK A NAP! Yeap! Our Choco Lab thinks...
  16. Bettyboop7499

    What and whaaat....

    Hello BYC! I need your help again! On March 19th we bought from Tractor Supply 5 Brahma's and 5 Amerucans... well now I'm not so sure what I have! I have 5 of these, black & white, yellow feathered legs.. Which are absolutely beautiful chicks, can't wait to see them grown! Then, I have one...
  17. Bettyboop7499

    Black-Laced Wyandottes...

    Hello BYC, I have five Black-Laced Wyandottes that are approximately 25 weeks old. I noticed the other day that one of my "hens" comb is different than the others...instead of a single comb it has more of a pea comb... what does that mean? I looked at 'its' feathers and they looked rounded, no...
  18. Bettyboop7499

    Three Dead Ducks....

    So..last Spring we bought four Pekin Ducklings and twenty other chicks to add to our farm. I could not wait for those duck eggs! Well, it turns out my husband has a nack at picking out Drakes because that's what we ended up with ALL drakes! We did end up having to cull one that became lame...
  19. Bettyboop7499

    Devastation on the Farm...

    I had told a story here on BYC about God showing me where Iizzys (my favorite Chick! She was a Silver Duckwing OEGB) nest was, TRUE STORY-I knew she was laying but it wasn't in the nest or coop or any of the known spots they hung out. One day as I searched I asked God to help me, (some may think...
  20. Bettyboop7499

    Drake or not a Drake...that is the Question!

    Hello BYC members, As always I'm in need of your expertise! I've posted a video of my three Pekin ducks, I hope you all can hear them as well, Mr. Rooster was rooing right in my ear. Can you all tell if my ducks are drakes? I started seeing these feathers curling up right before their...
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