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  1. Alex S

    Sick 4yr old buff orpington

    I think she is still laying but slowing down. Last egg maybe yesterday or this morning. Eggs seem normal Weather dipped recently from upper 70s to low 60s We don't have a compost pile or noticed mold eating I can check if the crop has emptied in the morning She stood earlier but is...
  2. Alex S

    Sick 4yr old buff orpington

    My chicken has become suddenly I'll and not sure why. She is pale and not moving around. She refuses to eat or drink. What could I do/what is wrong?
  3. Alex S

    Is my chicken being bullied, sick, or just broody?

    I have a jersey giant hen that has been broody for a couple weeks (I have even dunked her in water and she won't quit being broody, now I'm just blocking off the coop) and around the same time she has lost a lot feathers. She acts fine around the other hens and I never see her get picked on...
  4. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    Yeah I assumed it would be a one time thing but I just wanted to get some more knowledge on how to prevent this
  5. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    This feed is always available via tub feeder
  6. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    I sprinkled some on top of some carrots but I will find a dish to put mealworms and oyster shell
  7. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    I dunno. The run of the mill stuff. It looks like pebbles and they are hard white rocks
  8. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    The hen that I believe laid the egg is a year old
  9. Alex S

    How to get your hens to eat oyster shells

    Today I came across my first shell-less egg. I make sure to have oyster shell in the run but they seem to never eat it. How do I get them to eat it? Maybe I should tell them no treats until they finish their oyster shell...
  10. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    Update: She was extremely easy to brake. I just put her in the yard with her friends and she did not give a care in the world. I will she if see goes back to broody tonight.
  11. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    Ok. Thank you so much for the help. I will start doing this tomorrow. My hen has been very gentle to me, but man she has been mean to my other flock members in her time of broodiness. Is it normal for broody hens to pluck out their own feathers?
  12. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    Ok. I watched my chicken for a a bit and she didn't look like she was straining or panting, and comb and waddles looked normal color... I also found an egg under her...
  13. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    We don't have a rooster so it doesn't matter. Also chicken coop full capacity
  14. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    Ok. She has been very gentle with me if she is. What are my next steps?
  15. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    She puffs up but does not try to peck my hand. She does squack
  16. Alex S

    Help my chicken might be eggbound

    Update/extra info: she squaks whenever you get near her, and I picked her up and didn't feel an egg (not sure what I'm feeling for though) I moved her to a different part of the coop and she is just laying down
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