Help my chicken might be eggbound

I found my chicken still laying in the nesting box and she has (to my knowledge) been in there since 3:40. How do I tell if she is egg bound or possibly broody?
Update/extra info: she squaks whenever you get near her, and I picked her up and didn't feel an egg (not sure what I'm feeling for though) I moved her to a different part of the coop and she is just laying down
If she puffs up at you, maybe making screechy noises then she is broody. Also, and this is my favorite way but is a bit unproven is if you reach under her does she tuck herself around your hand.
Ok. She has been very gentle with me if she is. What are my next steps?
My broody hens tend to be very gentle with me as well. I think the puffing up is something that they only do when broody, at least when one of my hens was egg bound she never did that.
Do you want her to hatch chicks, or not?

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