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  1. OhioClucker

    Types of Sand for coop

    Looking to change my coop bedding from pine shavings to sand. What type(s) of sand is the best or doesn't it matter? Thanks!
  2. OhioClucker

    Two weeks post injury with infection starting

    Two wks ago my hen had its wing ripped off. None of the vets would see it. I have been cleaning it daily and applying neosporin. Recently i started using Blu Kote (maybe a week now). Today the scab came off. I noticed a very scant amount of yellow drainage with an even scanter amount of blood on...
  3. OhioClucker

    Two questions- what to do with soiled bedding and coop siding?

    First- what do you do with your soiled bedding? Do you throw it in the trash? Burn it? Something else? Also- what have you found to be the best coop siding? We are turning an old run we got into a coop with run. What ever we get for siding will go over top of a larger size of hardware cloth.
  4. OhioClucker

    Ways to keep your run predator proof

    We are working on our coop this weekend. What are your suggestions for keeping your run predator proof?
  5. OhioClucker

    Did you name your chickens?

    What do you call your chickens?
  6. OhioClucker

    ***GRAPHIC PHOTO*** What is this sticking out of amputated wing??

    Just noticed this sticking out of my chickens amputated wing. What is it and do I cut it off when I clean the wound??
  7. OhioClucker

    Healing wound- when to allow back with flock?

    My chick is healing from his, ahem, sudden amputation of a wing nicely. He is currently separated from the flock, in his own pen with food and water. The wound has yet to form a scab, but is in the process. In the evenings I place him outside to free range with the flock under my supervision...
  8. OhioClucker

    Wrapping question- having difficulty with my chicken!

    I need some tips! I tried Google but all it comes up with is dinner recipes. My chicken, approx 8 wks old, survived a coon attack this past Saturday (approx 96 hrs ago) and had his wing ripped off. He's doing great and has been fondly named "Batman the One Winged Wonder" I contacted two...
  9. OhioClucker

    Foot injury, bleeding. Between toes

    Help! Something got in my coop tonight and ran off with one of my ISA Browns. I gathered up all of remaining chicks and brought them inside. My one is bleeding between it's toes on the webbing. They have fresh pine bedding, but what do I do? How do I clean it up? Any need to bandage? They...
  10. OhioClucker

    Will this work for coop? Link included!

    My FIL came across an old fighting cock pen and we are looking to recycle it into a coop. (NO idea where he got it from!) Will this wire work for the run...
  11. OhioClucker

    What comes after crumbles?

    Trying to figure out what my hogs, er chicks, need to eat after crumbles. I have a large bag of the crumbles, but at this rate it will be gone in three weeks tops (HOW does something so SMALL eat so MUCH?!?!) So what comes after crumbles? And is that the "permanent" feed besides the treats...
  12. OhioClucker

    In Ohio, anyone have an estimated cost of building a coop?

    I'm in Ohio (heart of Amish Country!) and needing to build a coop for a good price! I got chicken wire on sale for $20 for 36" by 50ft (nabbed two of them!). I have six chicks and I know I need a minimum of 36 sq ft. So can anyone give me an estimated cost of materials? OR suggestions on...
  13. OhioClucker

    How many nesting boxes?

    Trying to make plans for my chicken coop. I have 6 chicks. We have plenty of land so no need to worry about space. I know each chick needs 6 sq ft. So that a min of 36 sq feet for the coop. I have a design I like, not sure if I can pull it off as I have no wood working experience. The one...
  14. OhioClucker

    ISA Chick Mottling? Picture

    Yesterday I noticed that my two ISA's appear to have seed like feathers that look to be falling out (put me in the mind of a dandelion puff). They are normal behavior, eating very well. Fresh water daily, sometimes twice a day. Recently they have started going outside into a make shift run...
  15. OhioClucker

    New to flocking

    Hi everyone! I am completely new to having a flock! I have 6 chicks. 2 ISA pullets, two silky bantams, a non silky bantam (??), and a black chick that for the life of myself and my husband we can NOT recall the breed! However, we call him Batman. (He's rules the roost which is why I call...
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