Search results for query: slope

  • After: Apr 12, 2021
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  1. J

    Coop on a slope

    I know this topic has kinda been discussed but I have a 10x40 coop that’s on a slope. Im looking for something/anything to try and slow the rain water from pushing ALL of the bedding to the downward side. Im aware that I will not be able to stop it but there has to be a better way to slow it...
  2. QuailMan6666

    Will a Coturnix quail walk up a slanted slope?

    I recently acquired a cheap and used flight cage that looks like the one in the photo below. Can I add multiple levels to this cage with ramps, and will Coturnix quails be able to walk the ramps to the upper levels?
  3. C

    From the Western Slope of Colorado...

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We've had chickens off & on for about 17 yrs. This has been the longest stretch of 7 yrs though. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have about 29 chickens and one very ornery turkey! (3) What breeds do you have? We...
  4. SamIamNam786

    Quick easy sloped roof on 60”x50” run Water is puddling on the tarp . Getting the water off is so messy . The brown tarp over the extended run is doing great bc it’s over a sloped roof. What’s an efficient way to add a roof to the prefab area which is 60” X 50”. I was going to ask dh to cut a plywood in 1/2… but then what...
  5. WhiteTreeOfGondor

    Covering mud on a slope

    Does anyone have any ideas for something at least somewhat permanent that I could put over mud in my sloped duck pens? I've tried covering it with old pine shavings from the coop. It works for a couple of days, but over time it's become packed layers of old soggy shavings that never dry out...
  6. I

    Deliberately sloped deep litter coop for easy clean out?

    I've noticed several folks on this forum mentioning deliberately building their coops on a slope to make a low-labor flow-through deep litter system (ie. add litter at the top of the hill, harvest from the bottom, let the chickens turn it to move everything down the hill). Sadly, my searching...
  7. Steveisfromcolorado

    Western slope Colorado!

    Hi everyone! We live in Montrose, Colorado with our flock of four Red Stars and two Black Jersey Giants. I had them in a chicken tractor this summer, and just built them a nice walk in coop! Is anyone else out here on the western slope? Aaand, I’m looking for a rooster for our flock…
  8. J

    Coop and run on a slope!

    ...the coop and run “right”. We purchased these plans (picture attached) and my husband is planning on constructing in the next few weeks. The slope (also attached) doesn’t look like much but it is about 12” in the back side to make it level. I’d also like a very small step up in the front...
  9. a_a_ron

    Single slope cold weather coop ventilation question

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I just can’t find exactly what I’m looking for, and maybe you all can help. Im having a single slope shed built, with plans to put a wall in the middle to keep half for garden shed and half for coop. The single slope matches the house, so I am stuck on that...
  10. C

    Coop/Run on a slope?

    Hello! Anyone here have a coop/run set up on a slope? To comply with city rules the best place for my hens is on my slope. I’d appreciate any suggestions and/or pictures.
  11. AyealaB

    Newbies in the Sierra Nevada, west slope

    Hi everyone! So excited that this forum and site exist! We don’t have any birds yet but we’ve decided on our hen house, fenced an area of our little acre and started learning. That’s why I’m here, because I’m an enthusiast novice! My first questions are about all of the toxic plants on our...
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