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  1. Msyr

    Gender of two 6 month old bantam mixes

    We just purchased these two cuties. They're apparently both around 6 months old, and I believe they're bantam cochin mixes. I was fairly certain that both were pullets, until someone heard a crow. Now, we already have a 3 year old hen that attempts to crow, but apparently it sounded different...
  2. Msyr

    Trying to learn more about gender and breeds of my 8 week old chickens

    These guys remind me a bit of my own chooks. Based on their comb development and splotchy colouring, I'd say 1, 2 and 3 are all probably male, while 4 definitely female. The rust colour around the wing area is a good indicator that they're dudes.
  3. Msyr

    I was gifted some babies and have no idea what they are!

    It's a bit early to tell genders, but the closest one in the second picture looks like it could be a lil dude based on comb development.
  4. Msyr

    Barnyard mix gender ID

    Thanks for the input! I agree that feather wise 1 and 3 look more unicolour like pullets, but they're two feisty little things... especially 1, it's the most dominant chick. Comb wise 1 is quite pink irl, but a different shade from the rest. Guess I'll hold on to them a bit longer to be sure.
  5. Msyr

    Barnyard mix gender ID

    They're 6-7 week old. Trying to rehome all the dudes before they start their crowing choir... I'm almost certain 1-6 are dudes, and 8+9 are pullets. 7 I'm unsure of.
  6. Msyr

    Replacement EEs

    The one to the right definitely looks like a pullet. Though, as far as I know, dark wing splotches often indicate roosters, and so I think the left one might be a dude sadly...
  7. Msyr

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Definitely a cockerel
  8. Msyr

    Failure to thrive chick?

    Our broody hen hatched 9 eggs this Saturday. They seem to be going great, excpet all this one chick seems to do is run around frantically and whine when not sleeping. It also looks a tad weird, being smaller than its siblings with an odd head shape. I'm pretty sure it's not eating properly...
  9. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    UPDATE: So after looking everywhere in trees, bushes and sheds yesterday, we found nothing. Well, today she just randomly showed up in the morning, seeming tired and cold, but completely fine otherwise. She doesn't seem broody at all, so no clue why she'd vanish like that. Only thing that...
  10. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    It's pitch black out and I don't have any good pictures sadly. To describe it, there's a lawn with some fruit/ornamental trees surrounding our home on 3 sides, and a dense hedge where our property ends and potato/wheat fields begin. The last side faces our driveway, the road and a few other...
  11. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    Nope... There is a storage "shed" where she could have entered and laid eggs, but it's impossible to check everything right now as I don't have help
  12. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    It's quite rural around here, but not quite in the middle of nowhere. Foxes and badgers exist, but are nocturnal and rare, never seen one in person. It's already getting dark, so I'm hoping she turns out within the next hour.
  13. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    This is an older pic of her. She's quite hard to spot, as there isn't that much snow yet, less than 5cm.
  14. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    I have my doubts she has been taken by a predator, I've looked around for feathers/blood which should be easy to find in shallow snow. Of course, there could be an opportunistic dog, but I've had both bantam chickens and ducks with ducklings wander around no problem (we lock them up during the...
  15. Msyr

    Hen disappeared

    We have two pullets and one cockerel, but today I can't seem to find the last pullet. They free range the property, and we've never had any issues with predators. I'm not home often, but according to my family, they've seen her wandering alone and also disappearing for periods. We just recently...
  16. Msyr

    Mixed breed: pullet or cockerel?

    Whelp, that makes 4/6 males... had some hope as he's way less masculine than my other dudes.
  17. Msyr

    Mixed breed: pullet or cockerel?

    I have this 2 month old mixed(pavlovskaya, cream legbar, ++) chick that I can't figure out. It has no wattles and barely any comb size development, but it's definitely got some pink in it. Here is what I believe is a definite male for comparison.
  18. Msyr

    Confirmation that these 8 week old Kochin mix bantams are pullets.

    She sent a photo with their brother, and comparing to that they're most definitely pullets. The one where you can't see the face is a little pinker, but nowhere close to that dude in the front.
  19. Msyr

    Confirmation that these 8 week old Kochin mix bantams are pullets.

    Thank you for the response. I asked her for updated pictures, since they're now also older than in those pictures (11 weeks).
  20. Msyr

    Confirmation that these 8 week old Kochin mix bantams are pullets.

    I'm considering buying two of these supposed pullets, but they look awfully suspicious to me. I feel like their faces look pretty pink for being 8 weeks old, but then again, Kochins seem to develop quickly.
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