We have the California whites as well, we actually bought them together and they’re just as bad as the Anconas. 😳
I do enjoy adding new things to my flock though, I just wish I had gone for something a little bit more tame. 😂
My family’s farm has mostly mixes, the best mix I’ve ever bred...
very cute!
Really? I have at least three anconas and they’re a pain in the rear honestly 😂
(That’s just my experience, don’t let me steer you off ;))
They are flighty, they will fly out of 6 foot fences regardless of wing clipping, The only bright side is that their plumage is unique and they...
So cute! Looks just like my kitty Nala! 🤗 ! And my family farms two roo's Pipit and GC (GarChomp! :lol: !) Father and son, mirror images of each other......!
This is too precious, I love it! :love ! My girl Freya and her Buff Brahma rooster boyfriend are just like that! 🤗 He will sleep with her, he'll sleep above her nesting box protecting her, they have a very platonic relationship, I'll see if I have any pictures of them sometime!
P.S. You totally...