Hi everyone,
Yesterday we rescued what we thought was a little red hen from a neighbor's yard but it turns out that she is actually a rooster. He crowed a very young crow 3 times when I was outside today. Our rooster Henry has been trying to fight him through the wire side of our chicken...
We have 2 Welsummer hens. They are big, beautiful and so curious. Out of the Delaware, the New Hampshire Reds and our older Barred Rock, the Welsummers are our favorites. Both of our Delaware hens are bossy, one can be a little mean. The NHR hens and the Welsummer hens are the nicest but the...
We were given one Ameraucana and one Barred Rock at the end of October 2017. They were so much fun, we added 2 chicks of each breed in mid April 2018: Welsummer, Delaware and New Hampshire Reds (6 chicks in all). We will pick up 4 more Ameraucana chicks at the end of the month because just as...
I didn't post the original photo and I'm sure mine were not the smallest eggs in the world but after getting full sized eggs for a few months and then having a tiny egg pop out was surprising! And then last week, a second tiny egg popped out. I was worried but now I'm not. I was just agreeing...
All of our hens have been laying nice big eggs since September, except for the 2 tiny eggs. My hubby cracked the first tiny egg, there were only whites inside the shell. The 2nd tiny egg is still in the fridge. We aren't sure which hen is laying these and the only upsetting thing that has...
Beautiful!! We are going to add those panels to the top of our run this summer. Right now, 1/3 of our run is covered with metal roofing, the rest just has wire over it...open to the elements and the uncovered part of our run has had lots of snow and mud in it.
It all depends on your taste. We had a coop with a back opening. The former owner/builder did not put a lip at the bottom of the nesting boxes. The straw and pine chips all fell out and I actually caught a couple of eggs before they rolled out onto the ground. When my hubby added a lip, the...
Your chicks are all adorable!! Can't wait to see them when they are a little older. We have 2 Welsummers and we love them! They are so curious, one is quiet and one is quite the talker. We also have 2 Delaware, 2 New Hampshire Reds and an older Barred Rock hen. We are getting 4 Ameraucana...
Coop And Run That My Hubby Built by feathermania posted Jan 19, 2019 at 12:30 PM We looked at many, many different coops/runs and designed this. The whole end of the coop near the door of the run opens for cleaning. That's where the roosts are located. The side of the coop near the other end...
Oh, that's how some neighborhood dogs got ahold of one of our hens and killed it. We had them in a temporary run that was uncovered and the gate was extra fencing that we just bent in and connected to the run. We decided to go overkill on the new run/coop because we didn't want to go through...
When we were designing/building our coop/run, we checked out all of the free and low costs sights for our area. We found someone who was getting rid of a huge deck which had untreated planks and a treated base so we picked up all of that material. That allowed us to use the treated base as...
We use a lot of straw on the bottom of the coop and cover it with about 4 inches of pine shavings. And we use a few inches of pine shavings in the bottom of the nesting boxes and add a big layer of straw shaped into nests over the shavings. I clean the coop every other or every two days...
We have had over 3 feet of snow in 2 weeks this month. The part of the run that has wire, not a roof on it, has sagged but it's still intact. This is one of the reasons why we will put a roof over the whole run. We have a couple of large box fans to cool it in the summer so the rainy and snow...
We did that too with 3 feet of hardware cloth. We put the hardware cloth up 2 feet from the ground, dug down and out a foot, laid the bottom foot where we had dug and put soil and sand over it up to the bottom of the run. I read that animals who dig down and hit wire, will not back up to dig...