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  1. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I owe a lot of thanks to you, I am still having trouble with Genevieve jumping on us though. Sequoia is the better behaved in that area for sure. I'm still working on it though. Thanks for all your help with my girls.
  2. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I read that too before I got my Pyr's, I figured if GP's can be trained to perform in the show ring then I could train them to do what I wanted them to do. All three of mine come when called. When I first got Ben he did not listen AT ALL, Pyrs are very smart and it did not take him long to...
  3. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    . Ben is a rescue, we have not had him a full month yet. The photo you see of him on the chain is the second day we had him. Ben went after my chickens when he first got here. I kept him on the chain for a week ( with twice a day walks) and the poultry milled around him. After the first few...
  4. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    It's been a long time since I have logged on to BYC. I've been busy with all the poultry, the garden, canning and raising up my LGD's. I have to say the girls are AMAZING!!!! I spent months training them to the property, teaching them commands and telling them over and over again to "LEAVE IT"...
  5. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Glad you found the site! Thanks for the post, it's always good to hear from Pyr owners who have BTDT. I am a member of the site and have been since before I got my pups. I have had some great discussions on that site about many topics. Lots of great owners with a lot of wisdom...
  6. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Hello Mzyla, You have gorgeous dogs, I am glad to hear your pups are doing well with guarding. I have taken about 5 steps back this week with my dogs sadly. I lost a cockerel on Sunday to the pups. I had the pullets and the roo in a pen outside with the ducks to give them some outside time...
  7. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Thought I'd give an update due to an "OH NO" moment. Saturday it was cold here in WV, it was the coldest day we have had this winter and everything was frozen. Well, months ago DH built the coop and put the door on backwards (as in swinging into the coop) We also put the waterer in the coop on...
  8. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Quote: Thanks for all your input, you were one of the people that convinced me to get a Great Pyrenees and I'm so glad you did. I really love watching the pups and seeing them learn. I look forward to seeing them so much after my work day. DH feels a little neglected tee hee. It is irritating...
  9. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    remudal, Love your pics, your girls are be-u-ti-ful. So glad they are working out for you! hencrazymom, good to hear your Therapy/LGD is dual purpose! Great Story Mountain Man Jim, glad to hear that my LGD's will do fine on the farm. To answer some of your ?'s. I have been socializing the...
  10. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Quote: You're probably thinking of the word "Mädchen"and it just means "girl" in German. "Beautiful girl" would be "schönes Mädchen". Yes I probably was, can't remember the spelling as I saw it online it did mean beautiful girl. I named her Genevieve though but she doen't listen to me very...
  11. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Quote: How exciting you have a pup reserved! You have to post pics when you get him/her? Maybe we can swap training ideas. I have been reading a lot too and it's good to have an idea base when you actually get a pyr. It has helped me a lot knowing how they behave. I have never used any...
  12. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I wanted to post an update as to how things have been going and what I have been doing to 'hopefully' train good LGD's. I put the girls outside full time two weeks ago. They each have a doghouse and a tie out, their daily routine is as follows. They get let out of the run at 7 am and do chores...
  13. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I am officially pooped I am estimating that I am spending 3.5 - 4 hrs a day with the girls. I have forgotten how much work a puppy is and of course there are two. I do see some differences in this breed than any other breed I have had. They do have a mind of their own. I call them and they just...
  14. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Quote: Yes I was still in my PJ's when I went out. That yellow coat is the most amazing coat as far as warmth. It's down and my pink hat was the one I grabbed. I keep my Lhasa's sheared on the back end and when you mentioned the Prys get soiled I just figured i might as well prevent it before...
  15. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Well on second thought no donkey, too much risk involved there but i do aim to keep her safe when in heat.
  16. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    ...I don't believe I will have a problem keeping her from being bred until I am the one to make that choice. It's really not that difficult to keep a ***** sequestered. There are only two - 5 days she will allow a male to mount anyway. The only way to set them up for failure is to do nothing and...
  17. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I took the pups up to the coop on Saturday and had them with me while I did chores. The really liked being around the coop and would not follow me anywhere else. I think it reminded them of their birthplace. I can't figure out any other reason for them not wanting to leave the coop area. I know...
  18. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    I wish I knew how to multiple quote but I don't so I will try to reply to the recent posts by memory. I did not think about squeaky toys sounding like chicks, I will be pulling those away now! I did get rawhide chew toys. I came back in here to post the names actually and they are Sequoia and...
  19. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    Just back from the vet. The pups are 7weeks old according to the doctor. They got scheduled for shots as it is too close to last dose. I scheduled three month rabies shots and 3month checkups, got flea and tick control for their size and got meds to worm them. I was concerned that they are not...
  20. r4eboxer

    Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

    So here they are! The farm they came from was jam packed with poultry. There were 4 barns that I counted and they had horses, pigs, donkeys, a LOT of Muscovy ducks, pekins, mallards and chickens galore. I'm sure there were other animals on the farm but I didn't go into the other barns. The ducks...
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