Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7

Congrats on the pups ... I can't wait to see the pics!!!

Going with Pyr to protect the girls was the best thing we ever did. You are going to love these dogs.

Hey, with your eye on being self-sufficient and keeping this dogs groomed, have you ever thought of spinning the dog fur (from brushing them) into yarn. I know, it sounds crazy but, I have a very warm scarf made of Pyr fur. ( Wow, this paragraph is really from left field)

. I read your other thread while it was unfolding and I'm so glad that you found some pups that will fit your needs in YOUR situation. I've been warned against the fighting as well since I've got two sisters. They'll be a year old on January 9th and while they play rough, I've not had to break them up yet. Not saying it won't happen, just sayin it hasn't yet. They are together 24/7 but I don't leave them alone at feeding times. Once they get some size on them, I think you'll be awestruck as I was while watching them run full out, growling from one end of an eight acre pasture to the other when they saw a dog outside their fence..... That dog was very, very lucky that we spent a lot of money on a good, secure fence. Just awesome, and really gave me a good sense of the sheer power and speed of these dogs. These dogs are **serious** about thier jobs so be prepared for that.

They both know I am alpha and I don't have any trouble controlling them but I think you have to be super consistent and dominant when they are quite young. Best of luck to you and you are NOT gonna believe how fast your girls are going to grow, LOL!
Thanks Jim! Funny youmshould mention spinning fur. Dh wants rabbits and I have been researching angora breeds, I have not thought about spinning my dog hair but now that you mention it I think once I get set up that will be an option. I have never spun yarn and have been looking for a really good site to learn. Do you have any tips?


So here they are! The farm they came from was jam packed with poultry. There were 4 barns that I counted and they had horses, pigs, donkeys, a LOT of Muscovy ducks, pekins, mallards and chickens galore. I'm sure there were other animals on the farm but I didn't go into the other barns. The ducks and chickens free ranged and were roosting in her trees around the house. I commented on the flock and asked if she lost any she just smiled and said not with them on guard (them meaning her Pyrs) The male was very protective and I was almost afraid he wasn't going to let me take the babies. I was told that the dogs brought coyotes out of the woods dead and just lined them up. From the looks and sheer number of the flock I'd say any predator has been thinking twice about snatching chicken for dinner. Everywhere I looked I saw ducks and her Muscovy’s were stunning.

The ducks were roaming in and out of the barn where the puppies were. I feel like this will help the pups to imprint a little easier than those show dogs would have been.

They have an appointment for a check over at the vet at 2:40 today. I will post how it went. The pups were angels last night and I didn't hear a peep out of them.
For tips in regards to spinning, I'd start at the library and then buy the drop spindle of your choice to start practicing. You will want to evenutally move up to getting a spinning wheel but, the drop spindles are a good way to see if you really want to get into this.

Here's a cute link on spinning dog fur which is often called cheingora. http://spindlesandspices.blogspot.com/2007/04/chiengora-recipe.html

Just back from the vet. The pups are 7weeks old according to the doctor. They got scheduled for shots as it is too close to last dose. I scheduled three month rabies shots and 3month checkups, got flea and tick control for their size and got meds to worm them. I was concerned that they are not really as active as I thought they should be and he said that was normal that they are very docile until they encounter intruders. Duh I knew that but for some reason expected them to be out of control puppies

He confirmed them to be pure bred pyrs.
They are such good dogs already. They were so good in the car and both sat perfectly still while being examined and all the wait time. I stopped on the way home for some plush,squeeky and chew toys and treats, they were playing with a dish rag when I went to take them to the vet.
silly little girls. I just love them!
Beautiful pups.

plush squeeky toys can lead to plush squeeky chicks
in some cases better to give them some big bones that ya can stuff cheese in once they eat all the good stuff off to keep them busy.
Just saying
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