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  1. skunknchatter

    "Flipper" poult

    My turkey managed to hatch one poult but a couple of the chicken hens got in and gave it a decent peck to the leg. I pulled it out and have it in my incubator with my eggs going into lockdown tomorrow. Gave it a drop of nutri-drench. It's quit shaking but seems to be a flipper. Going to try to...
  2. skunknchatter

    Camp Trailer Coop

    We finished up the paneling over the weekend and added supports for the roof. It had sagged and that allowed water to pool and sit on the roof. Not good! We did this same support system over the door into the trailer as well. The roof had totally rotted and come down over the door. That was the...
  3. skunknchatter

    Camp Trailer Coop

    Then we gut the trailer. This is where we found so much more damage than we initially thought. We considered saving the wiring since it all still worked but removing the cabinets left us with piles of wire everywhere. So rather than sort through it my husband decided it would be easier to just...
  4. skunknchatter

    Camp Trailer Coop

    Picked up a salvaged trailer to turn into a coop. Ended up having WAY more rot/water damage than I thought but we're making it work. First thing we did was strip off all of the old sealant on the roof and use RV roof tape in place. Took several days to peal, scrape, ass grind all the layers...
  5. skunknchatter

    Treadle for Turkeys??

    That will work when my home is finished and we get set up on our new acreage. But for now I have a run and a hen house that is only big enough for egg laying and sleeping. The turkeys won't go in anymore so they have an open raised roost with a roof.
  6. skunknchatter

    Treadle for Turkeys??

    Does anyone use the grandpa's feeders for their Turkeys? The wild birds are eating all the feed and pooping everywhere! I'm more worried about lice and diseases than the food I'm losing but getting a feeder the wild birds can't get into is necessary. My turkeys live with a handful of chickens...
  7. skunknchatter

    Fresh Paint in Happy Color!

    I have to admit that I've neglected my chickens. A surprise (but very welcome) pregnancy kinda overwhelmed me. So my chickens got lice... Got rid of them and they started eating their eggs... Broke that habit and they have worms... In the worming process and ready to give up. Now I find we have...
  8. skunknchatter

    Sebastopol and Emden

    Okay, after some reading my plan is to let the geese (maybe everyone) out to graze in the pasture during the day and training them to go back into the run at night. Are raccoons big enough to take on a goose? Say I wanted to let them just live in the pasture and put a goose house out there? We...
  9. skunknchatter

    Sebastopol and Emden

    I have the opportunity to get a Sebastopol gander and an Emden goose from a neighboring homesteader. I have owned chickens and ducks but never geese. Right now I have a large run (16'x24') with a very mild mannered rooster, one runner duck, and one hen. I am hoping that the new geese can move...
  10. skunknchatter

    Old Duck Problems

    ...but he won't go in it. Instead he sleeps out in the run in the weather. Do I build him a wider "duck friendly" ramp? Do I just let him do his thing? We get down to -18* or so some nights in January and at 9 years old I'm afraid sleeping out on the cold ground will do him in. Thanks in advance.
  11. skunknchatter

    "Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

    Hey all! My son and I got out the trusty homemade cooler incubator today. We'll be putting a dozen eggs in from our back yard flock. The rooster is one bird that was successfully hatched by old fashion broody hen. He's 3/4 BO and 1/4 Welsummer. The hens are some mixed we've hatched, BO...
  12. skunknchatter

    Coops on Fire

    Here's a quick reminder about the dangers of heat lamps in chicken coops. I woke up at 2AM this morning to my husbands fire pager going off. He was dispatched to a chicken coop that had caught fire and then caught an apartment complex on fire. The cause? A heat lamp. Having a heat lamp in your...
  13. skunknchatter

    Valbazen and Eggs

    So I was using the trusty "google" to see why Valbazen is harmful to humans. Mostly because I was annoyed that I have to not eat the eggs from my hens for 2 weeks after worming. Well since you do it again 10 days after the first dose that's almost a month of wasted eggs. Anyway... wanna know...
  14. skunknchatter

    Plants or other ideas for stationary coop.....

    Keep in mind that chickens will eat/peck/destroy most plants. For entertainment lots of suggestions on BYC for chicken "toys". Stringing a head of lettuce or other veggies up in the coop seems like a most popular option.
  15. skunknchatter

    Thistle keeps popping up in yard

    They'll go around the thistle. And if they eat it, chances are it won't hurt them. If their body can grind and digest bits of dried corn then a thistle thorn shouldn't be a problem. Heck, my horses eat them if you cut them down so they can eat them backwards (so the thorns fold down). I was...
  16. skunknchatter

    Considering a rooster. Any advice???

    I would suggest finding an easy going breed for your rooster. I've had several roosters and none have ever been so nice as my Buff Orpington roosters. One good kick to prove that you are in charge is all it ever took to train a BO Roo at my house. The great thing about an established rooster is...
  17. skunknchatter

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    Are you zoned for your chickens? If you are I'd tell her molting is a natural process as is the spring shedding of her horses. Tell her you are willing to ignore the clumps of horse hair that sometimes make their way to your property if she'll forgive a few feathers. Horses are smart enough to...
  18. skunknchatter

    Wood Ash under Shavings

    I use it, mixed with play sand, for dusting rather than DE already and the hens love it. Just wondering if there is any reason not to put it inside with them. Unless there was some compelling reason not to.... I've got a whole stove full of the stuff from burning all winter. I really need to...
  19. skunknchatter

    Dust bath

    The problem sometimes lies in it becoming airborne. So your chickens roll around in it, dust gets carried by a breeze to the flower patch, the dust settles on the flowers, which in turn effects the bees. I personally choose not to use it. But you are correct, it isn't a poison. It all comes down...
  20. skunknchatter

    Rough Rooster, Sunburned Hen

    Yeah, I would have left well enough alone until it got good and sunny here. Her back was pink, then red, then dark red. I figured I'd better do something. I was browsing the Buy, Sell, Trade section and there is someone on there who sells chicken saddles for under $5. Great option if you don't...
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