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  • Users: PiGE0N
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  1. PiGE0N

    Are heavier chicken breeds more prone to heart attacks?

    I know it's more common in commerical broiler breeds that are bred to grow big in such a short amount of time, but what about other big chicken breeds like brahmas? My light brahma hen, who was 4 years old, suddenly died and I don't exactly know what caused her death so quickly, she was acting...
  2. PiGE0N

    Helping a chicken's wound/scab heal??

    Just a couple of days ago two of my pet hens got seriously injured by the neighbors dog that trespassed into our backyard, the birds had to be rushed to the vet. One of my birds got surgery along with sutures(her intestine was literally hanging out), the other got stables to close the deep bite...
  3. PiGE0N

    Egg-bound hen + worms?

    I'm making a new thread in hopes for more notice, my old previous thread: Basically my 3 year old Easter Egger is trying to pass through another ruptured, soft-shelled egg, this happened two years ago...
  4. PiGE0N

    Baby chicks STILL eating pine shavings

    Recently got some chicks last week (about 4-6 days old), kept them inside the house for a bit on paper towels/newspaper in a box. Early Monday morning I moved them outside under my broody hen where I set up a spot for them and things have been going well... except the chicks are eating the pine...
  5. PiGE0N

    Chicken suddenly sick, laid a ruptured egg??

    I have a white Easter Egger, Sushi, who suddenly looked under the weather today, she was standing alone and felt weak, I was only able to feel a bit of food in her crop. I offered her some pigeon feed that she loves to eat but had no interest, she didn't have interest in drinking either or soggy...
  6. PiGE0N

    Plants/ivy for the chicken run?

    So my chicken run is build of a chain-link fence and I thought some sort of plant like ivy would look lovely growing all over it and also provide more shade for the birds. Does anyone have something like that going on, what kind of plant/ivy is it? Basically what plants are bird-safe to grow...
  7. PiGE0N

    Introducing baby chicks to broody hen first time??

    I've had a broody hen for a while now and I've been wanting to add more to my flock since I lost half of them last month due to some neighbor's loose dogs, so I thought to try out with some chicks this time. I just recently got 5 babies, a couple a little older than the others, maybe about 1...
  8. PiGE0N

    Scaley leg mites?

    I hate that i didnt notice these legs sooner, but am i dealing with leg mites here?
  9. PiGE0N

    How long does it take for illness to spread to other chickens??

    On Jan 29th I got 3 new pet chickens, younger than the 5 other chickens I have. After I let the chickens out of their coop this Monday I heard one of the older ones making noise while breathing, even more so as I chased her around to catch her, the right side of her face was also a tiny bit...
  10. PiGE0N

    How old are these chickens? Should they be on grower/layer feed?

    So I bought some chickens from a breeder and I'm not exactly sure how old they are... A B C Also any idea what breed these could be? I have 5 other hens so I currently have layer pellets as their feed but I was wondering if I should go buy them all grower until the 3 new ones can have layer...
  11. PiGE0N

    Looking to buy Hens in Riverside California

    Hi BYC! I want to expand my flock of pet chickens at least by one or two hens... I already went to Chickens Galore in Norco but they surprisingly had no older birds on their property. Anyone in the Inland Empire or close by that's selling hens, or at least chickens old enough to eat laying...
  12. PiGE0N

    Lice or mites??

    My silver-laced wyandotte gets poop stuck to her fluffy butt feathers a lot and she makes it worse when she dust bathes and gets it all matted up with dirt. What I usually do is I take her a shower and loosen up all the poop and dirt and trim off the feathers around her vent area and below...
  13. PiGE0N

    Can chickens consume cornstarch?

    I was using our chicken's eggs for some frying batter and we have some egg batter left and I don't want it to go to waste. I was wondering if I can scramble it and give it to my chickens? Will the cornstarch in the mix hurt them?
  14. PiGE0N

    Can I feed dead mice/rats to chickens?

    Recently I've been seeing mice crawling around my aviary, and possibly rats, which is on the opposite side of our chicken coop. At first I didn't really mind the critters eating the left over seeds but today I found one of my doves with blood all over her. None of my other birds could've done...
  15. PiGE0N

    Will a Bantam use a standard sized chicken nest box?

    I got 3 standard sized chickens that'll be laying soon and a bantam that's already laying. Will she lay in the larger nest boxes or will we have to build her her own smaller nest box for her to lay eggs in? Oh, I should also ask these questions for people who have a mixed flock of bantams and...
  16. PiGE0N

    What breed of Bantam is this?

    Assuming she's a bantam since she's so small, owners said she's 8-9 months old: I'm thinking she's a Red-Breasted Rosecomb, but I could be wrong. Also, do her feet look okay?
  17. PiGE0N

    Help! I think my chicken may have E.Coli? Or worms?

    I did some research and it closely comes to this thread I found: Earlier today I went outside to let my chickens out of their coop and all but one came down the ramp, I became worried and went inside the coop to see that my...
  18. PiGE0N

    Tree house into a chicken coop

    A few months ago I started this thread about my dad and I turning our treehouse into a chicken coop, well we are finally done (mostly)! We would have finished much much sooner but my dad works a lot, anyway here's some progress: He built the door and if you didn't notice, he put a frame around...
  19. PiGE0N

    Baby chick is STILL eating bedding????

    I had them on paper towels for a few days when i first got them, theyre now about 4-5 weeks old and mainly one continues to scratch to the bottom of the brooder and eat smaller pieces of the bedding. its become Very annoying, its rice hull bedding by the way, will she be okay?
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