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  1. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Thank you all for your consoling sentiments !!! As for the question of how it got in...the only thing I can think of is that about a week ago I started putting our geese away a lot later than usual because it stays light here so much longer now and consequently, the chickens get locked up later...
  2. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    ...the closest thing around...a flat tipped (?) shovel and literally beat the living tar out of it. I didn't know I had it in me, but with all the C**P I've been going through here lately, I guess I found out I did !!! Anyway, we were too late. One of my 5 week old broody hatched chicks was...
  3. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock's always hard to lose a pet, even more so when it's a favored one. And I, too, am sorry for your loss and will tip my hat at sunset to her, paying homage to her memory... -kim-
  4. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock touchpad to right click in order to highlight part of you last post so I'll summarize what I wanted to highlight instead (old school style !!!) **The part where you say that now that your pullets are older and vaccinated X2, that you're just going to have to play with them all day...***...
  5. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: Ocho... I'm sorry to hear about Kettle Corn's passing. Although losing even a single bird is losing one too many if you ask me, I oftentimes find that I am more at peace with their passing if they've continued to live life to its fullest right up until the end. I have a much harder...
  6. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    lalaland - So sorry to hear about your little legbar. I always get to feeling so sad and depressed when it looks like it's getting to be one of my really sick birds' 'time', but I almost feel that it's even harder (for me) to watch them slowly waste away while they're running around acting...
  7. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Except for one rooster who had the ocular form of Marek's, I haven't noticed any swelling of the area around the eye(s) in my chickens, but since most of them are silkies with big, pronounced 'do's', it's amazing if I can see their eyes at !!! But seriously, the swelling clue makes...
  8. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    RIP...My dear young Ronnie. A beautiful black and shiny silkie hen with a top knot bigger than any cheerleader's pom pom I've ever seen, and boy didn't you wear it proudly. You had been foundering a bit, but today I found you not wanting to leave the nest box, gasping for breath, one leg...
  9. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: I don't think anyone here on BYC, and not on this thread in particular, comes anywhere close to achieving a wait and see approach where Marek's and their chickens are concerned. I also don't recall anyone saying, or even implying, that those of us with Marek's in our flocks are just...
  10. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: Well that depends. As far as decibel levels go, I feel they're pretty evenly matched. It just depends on if you want to hear "gobble, gobble, gobble" in a fairly high pitched yet kind of melodic sounding whistle, or if you'd rather be startled enough to pee your pants, when a pea...
  11. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    That must be SOME cooler they're shipping it !!! Since you ordered it on 1st, maybe that's their version of a delayed April Fool's Day joke. Not that I find it funny in the least, mind you. -kim-
  12. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: @Nambroth ...Not only does that make sense, but I'm in complete agreement with you. It doesn't take a necropsy to make a self-diagnosis of any form of Marek's if you know for certain that it exists within your flock, as you mentioned. -kim-
  13. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    I'm sorry too! For all of us that have to go through this. At least we can go through it together. I also was an eager and willing nursemaid to a total of 3 chickens that I tried to imbue life back into inside of my house. Until, that is, I 'came to terms' with the fact that since it was...
  14. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Unfortunately, it sure sounds like Marek's to me, but I'm with your boyfriend on this can't be positive until you have a necropsy done. And again, unfortunately, your other two chickens are probably carriers, if not themselves, going to 'come down' with Marek's Disease. I'm so sorry...
  15. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    @ochochicas ...You're right. My bad. I totally forgot about it migrating to the muscles !!! I even had a hen die from that form. She had an outwardly protruding tumor on her right pectoral muscle !!! I must still be !!! Thanks and my apologies to casportpony... -kim-
  16. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    ...through a necropsy since the evidence of it are tumors located on the internal organs of the bird. I'm not trying to be insensitive or a smart-*** or anything , this question is merely for the sake of my own edification. And as long as I'm on the road to perhaps pissing people off...
  17. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: ...and I've used it on myself after that... -kim-
  18. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    ...just as suddenly, they'd go back to being 'normal'. Another one of mine, a roo, had the ocular form and went blind before he died (he also got bats**t crazy towards the end too) and yet another hen had the severe paralysis form. Currently it appears as if a good number of them are starting...
  19. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    I've had two now, one hen and one roo, that I believe to have had the ocular form of Marek's. On both of them their pupils weren't so much irregularly shaped as they were grayish in color, almost like you would expect one's pupil to be if it were covered in a semi opaque kind of slime or film...
  20. mightymax

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    Quote: Your state vet told you this? Interesting. I understand his (or her) observation that the chicks will most likely be exposed to the virus when hatched under a broody hen because as soon as they pip beneath her, they're ripe for the picking as far as the virus is concerned. But what...
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