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  1. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Hello, This year we will be conducting a breed census during breeding season to get a good understanding of the total number of birds which are making a genetic contribution to the breed. The census will run from April 1st through May 15th (The census is live now for anyone who wants to get a...
  2. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Here are some nicely colored chicks (not including the solid black or solid white chicks).
  3. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    This thread has been dead for a little while so I thought I'd post a few pics. They aren't the best as the birds were cooped up after dark, but you can get a visual. I have in this coop a trio, two Erminette colored and one white colored. The male and white female are 4 months old today and the...
  4. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Thanks Matt. It has been a lot of fun digging for information. I was out to Glenn's two weeks ago to pick up a few Erminette chicks and see how his Iowa Blue flock was coming along. I had given him a copy of my history write up. I've included some additional information to that write up as I've...
  5. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    When reading through Hutt's publication I noticed that Hutt obtained his stock in 1940 and started conducting this research in that year, but for an unknown reason, he chose to release his data in 1964 which was many years after his research on the Erminette had come to a close. This fact comes...
  6. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    I was able to obtain a copy of FB Hutt's "Genetics of the Erminette". It's an interesting read, but haven't figured out how to get the entire thing posted on this thread. One thing that was particularly interesting is that the eggs Hutt obtained contained both single and rose combed chicks...
  7. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    I was able to get a couple of shots of some of Glenn's Erminettes. Here are two of his hens. He was right when he said that Ron was telling him they were in need of improvement. There are a few traits lingering around that probably shouldn't be there. Glenn shared that he won't be releasing too...
  8. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    ...egg laid and no doubt has hatched out the largest group of Erminette chicks in decades and with Glenn’s help, this breed will hopefully find an environment where breeders who desire to breed this fascinating fowl will once again be offered the opportunity. *****Edited to correct spelling*****
  9. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Here's another clipping from the American Poultry Advocate. It sounds like this author was not impressed with the Erminettes, particularly due to what appears to be a lack of uniformity in breeding from the various breeders.
  10. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    This short article sets out to explain why they Erminette was never set up as a Standard Bred bird. Apparently the variences in stock between the breeders was too much for them to set up a singular standard. Some had feathered legs and pea combs (most likely from the gentleman who created an...
  11. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Here's an article I just came across. It's alittle hard to read, but it completely validated my speculation that early breeders were using both the Ermine and Erminette interchangeably even though both were completely separate varieties! You'll notice by his color description towards the end of...
  12. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Found some interesting facts while reading through some old poultry journals concerning the Erminette. As attested in the first post of this thread via the quote from Sandhill Preservation Center's catalog, there is a lot of confusion about the Erminette in breed and color. Here's some of what...
  13. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Got it! Thank you. I did find an interesting article though. I'll try to snip it and paste it to the site.
  14. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    I was just there and downloaded some stuff. The book by Thomson I can't find anywhere. I can't get it to download and I can't find a copy to buy either........
  15. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Got another question for the history buffs out there. I have read old accounts which state the Erminette was not only a color but there was a separate breed which was Erminette carrying the Erminette color. Is this true? However, I've also read that Wyandottes and Rocks were also bred in the...
  16. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Marvin, This is exactly what I was looking for! Perfecto. Thank you. I came across some information that stated Paint Silkies when bred together will segregate out in black, paint, and white birds. If this is true, then for all practical purposes, the Paints are Erminette in expression?
  17. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Very interesting article. Do you suppose modifers are at play in how much black is allowed to express in the I/i heteros? Maybe the Leghorns in this cross experiment had modifiers that severely limited how much black would be allowed to express, but the Spanish outcross brought with it a group...
  18. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Nicalandia, This is great stuff. And you are absolutely right, Erminette color and Exchequer color while looking the same are produced by a completely different set of genes. There is so much confusion out there concerning these differences, and I think you've presented these differences in a...
  19. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Thank you for the clearification Nicalandia. That's what I thought was going on genetically, it's good to hear a confirmation on that.
  20. IowaBlueCurt

    Difference between Erminette Breed and Erminette Color?

    Chris, help me out here on something. I was under the impression from older writting concerning a true breeding flock of erminettes that if you bred a black erminette to a white erminette that you'd obtain 100% erminette colored offspring. Is this validated historically? It sounds like it...
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