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  1. Central Florida

    Is there danger in leaving your hen broody?

    We currently have two buffs about a year old and the one went broody about 5 weeks ago. We pull her off the nest late morning and put her in the run without access to the coop and she eats and drinks but will go back on the nest whenever it's available. She does seem to be losing some weight...
  2. Central Florida

    Will Hawks kill Larger Breeds?

    I appreciate all the input as it confirmed what we were afraid of…for now we are keeping them in a small run during the day and letting them range during a 30-45 minute window just before dark….we do have plans to build them a bigger run in the near future...thanks
  3. Central Florida

    Will Hawks kill Larger Breeds?

    We had two Buff Orpingtons and one Frizzle pictured in the avatar and about a month ago a hawk flew into their run and killed wife was horribly upset and now we will not let our Buffs out...I feel bad to limit the amount of time they can range and wonder if they are large enough the...
  4. Central Florida

    How cold is too cold

    I appreciate the advice...I peeked at them early this morning when it was probably within a few degrees of the low and they didn't look cold at I am not sure if it's getting too cold if you will see signs in their eyes or actions that will let you know...I hung the light near their...
  5. Central Florida

    How cold is too cold

    We are getting record cold here in Central Florida...last night it fell to the mid 20's and we are worried as we only have two full grown Buff Orpingtons and the coop is well ventilated with Hardware we need to cover up the openings....last night we left a light in the coop thinking it...
  6. Central Florida

    Swelling around the eye of our Frizzle will not go away

    I have searched and can not seem to find a thread on how to make a saline flush or oxine flush. Can anyone help? Thanks
  7. Central Florida

    Swelling around the eye of our Frizzle will not go away

    We have been trying to flush the eye and using salve and it's not improving at all. If you put pressure on the swelling some clear fluid will come out either the eye or nose but it doesn't seem to reduce the size of the swelling at all. I would say at this point the swelling is about a half...
  8. Central Florida

    Swelling around the eye of our Frizzle will not go away

    Let me confirm we should massage back towards the eye so this substance can be wiped away?
  9. Central Florida

    Swelling around the eye of our Frizzle will not go away

    I should have been more specific but we were fairly certain is was Coryza they all had. Where would we get the opthamolic ointment from? Thanks
  10. Central Florida

    Swelling around the eye of our Frizzle will not go away

    We had the cold flu run through our small flock a few months ago resulting in us losing our two younger chicks. The few older chicks we have left have all been over it for probably almost 2 months except one of our girls still has swelling around one eye. She is about a year old and is laying...
  11. Central Florida

    Pullet appears to be dying

    Today she is eating and drinking and isn't as weak as yesterday. She is upright and is kind of scooting about when she wants to move. She laid an egg last night/or early this morning and it had a VERY soft shell. She has never laid this type of egg before. We set her up w/ a bed of hay and...
  12. Central Florida

    Pullet appears to be dying

    She hasn't laid yet today...she did just lay yesterday. What or is there anything we can do if so? Thank you for your quick reply.
  13. Central Florida

    Pullet appears to be dying

    Not sure what to do...she was fine yesterday and has never been sick since we got her about 3 months ago...she just started laying two weeks ago and even laid an egg yesterday...she now can not seem to even pick herself up...she doesn't seem to have any visible problems and doesn't really seem...
  14. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    Well Frizzle has good timing. She laid her first egg Easter weekend on Saturday just as we were about to start a Birthday/Easter party. I suppose she wanted to get the egg hunt started early DW was wondering how soon you have to bring in the eggs before they go bad? Frizzle laid her first in...
  15. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    Chickie crowed for the first time this week We are also hopeful Frizzle is about to start laying as the hay in the nesting box has been flattened out the last few mornings. We had read on here that once that happens they usually start laying. Should we do anything to encourage her besides...
  16. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    Well it's still just Chickie and Frizzle. We are now leaning towards ordering chicks from a hatchery. Unless there is someone on here that lives in Central Florida that wants to sell us a few hens around 3-4 months old
  17. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    I'll let the DW answer about how she LOVES having chickens. We found an add on Craig's list for Frizzle. It would have been two hens but a fox ate her sister the day before we came to the rescue. We have been searching high and low for chickens about the same age as Chickie to help ease...
  18. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    I'll try to answer all of birdlover's questions. We have not named them yet since we were not certain of the sex. It's been chickie and frizzle for 3 months and to our 2 year old they are both chickie. We have built a coop that will be a tractor at some point when I can get some wheels for...
  19. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    I have suspected it was a rooster for a month or so. He does currently have a Frizzle Hen and we hope to get a few more girls in the next few weeks. Here he is chillin with his peep
  20. Central Florida

    Help us identify this bird

    Can someone help me move this to a more appropriate section? As you can see our little chick the cat drug up is growing...but we are still not sure if it's a boy or girl? Can anyone help? It's not crowing or laying.
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