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  1. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    yeah, around here it's the 2-wire 50-60 lb bales and they're going for $11 (ouch!) I kept bees in the high desert of So. Cal, and that's pretty arid... How to know if there's enough forage for bees? bees will readily travel 3 miles for forage, and sometimes as much as 5 miles. so look on...
  2. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    you can always put your name out there to pick up swarms - those bees are free. or do a cutout where bees have gotten into a building. not guaranteed to get the queen on a cutout, but you might. or joing the local beekeepers group, trade some labor for a nuc. there are frugal ways to get...
  3. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ha! if I did that and got stung my face would be the size and shape (and probably color) of a basketball... for a beekeeper, I'm a little sensitive to stings... have to take a lot of benatryl if I get stung more than a half dozen times, and sometimes I get cortizone... at least if I get stung...
  4. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: Quote: I do spin the wool, and I weave. we sell a bit, mostly the colored wool, to hand spinners, but we generally have more than we need. however you can compost it, and it makes good garden and flower bed mulch. I do understand why lots of folks are interested in hair sheep...
  5. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I do know what you mean on the dangerous part... we had a milk cow once... well we bought her for a milk cow. she thought she should be a fighting bull. a full on dirt-tossing, pawing, bellowing, head swinging, drool-flinging fighter. we spent 3 months trying to convince her that milking, along...
  6. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    300 lbs would be a little bitty cow... my wool/meat breed ram sheep weighs in at 325... Jersey is a nice smaller cow though... but she'll still weigh in near 1000 lbs. still, y'all might consider dairy goats if you don't need 3+gallons of milk a day. the laManchas are maybe 125 average for...
  7. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Ha! yep. we do not feed on a time schedule for that very reason... we vary the feed time from day to day on purpose so our sheep have learned to listen for the gate squeek. because sheep are remarkabley good at telling time if you feed on a clock. Quote: Originally Posted by ScottnLydia...
  8. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I've had sheep for a long time, they will indeed learn to come to your call - if there's food involved they can be trained to do all sorts of things :) they will learn the sound of your car, the feed room door, your back screen door, your alarm clock... if it's loud enough :) ours come to...
  9. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    we're going to be putting up a hoop house this fall to see how far we can extend our growing season. using a high hoop house with low hoop row covers over the plants also can raise the growing temp by 15 or more degrees - add a small wood- or propane-fired greenhouse heater and we may be able...
  10. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: not to worry, I'm obsessed about a lot of things - none of them are cause for sadness. personally, I think living in fear is sad. I'm not fearful, because I am prepared. people who don't care to prepare, and aren't afraid, well, if that works for them, it's all good. until it...
  11. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ...lots of folks lost things due to looting. we're in the process of moving from CA to MO and let me tell you, moving a farm and two businesses is *expensive*... having 2 people/4 months of food on hand has really helped financially ease the stress. my hubby has been using those supplies while...
  12. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    we actually have been using our supplies - we had perhaps 4 months worth built up in CA, and we're in the process of moving - but supporting two households at the moment, one in CA and one in MO. NOT easy, financially. so hubby (who's still in CA) has been living on the built up supply...
  13. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    re: having some stock on hand for emergencies... it's not directly related to being frugal, but I find if I look in the cabinets and they're not full, I'm anxious, and if I look in the cabinets and they're more or less at capacity, I'm calm. there's been spans of time when that wasn't true...
  14. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal can go 24 hours instead of 12. basically you heat your milk (temperature depends on the starter you're using), mix in the starter and stir it *really* well, pour it into quart canning jars. put them in the igloo cooler, and fill up the rest of the cooler with bottles of water as hot as...
  15. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    one other thing I was thinking about... I like kits, so we bulk-and-batch a lot of things to use later. there was a good sale on mushrooms a couple of weeks ago, so I bought up most of what they had, and went looking for a good deal on onions - enough to match the quantity of mushrooms when...
  16. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ...our own milk & yogurt. and a lot of crockpot stuff (stew, soup) made with whatever's on hand. that and I feel totally deprived if there isn't *some* sort of a treat in there somewhere (cookies, pumpkin pie) although not every day. I don't like the daily-cooking routine so when we're...
  17. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    well if he's concerned about the rapid fatigue, get him to try the gatorade as I suggested - if it's better with the gatorade, he'll know right away. the scary part is that if he's having significant muscle fatigue from electrolye imbalance, well, the heart's a muscle too...
  18. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I redid a recliner once - it was a major job, learned a bunch about calculating angles for sewing precisely fitted slip covers and what the inside of a chair looks like! replaced all the foam and padding, used the custom fitted slip cover to help keep everything in proper shape, and we used it...
  19. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ewesheep... sounds like a guy who knows what he likes (and doesn't!) on the fatigue, that can be electrolytes, as well as just not enough muscle condition/stamina, or it can be cardio vascular issues. gatorade, power aid, that sort of thing fixes it if it's an electrolyte thing. with his...
  20. zzGypsy

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    dairy goats solve this part, if you're somewhere you can have them. an average producer will make 3/4-1 gallon a day... and it's really good too! they're not hard to keep, and if you've got excess, yogurt, mozzerella, and chevre are easy to make. plus it's great for the cats, dogs, hogs...
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