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  1. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Thank you @Miss Lydia :hugs
  2. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Thank you so much @gilbert2 that is very kind of you. I have updated on a few new threads but just to update here, I did end up losing Smeagol- I'm still not quite sure what exactly was wrong but she was only half the size she should have been and wasn't thriving at all. I tried all I could...
  3. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    @thumper650 haha yeah! small underwear were the only thing I could think of at the time so I decided to sacrifice some of mine lmao! :lau
  4. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I have tried designing a couple but will have to do some more research but here are some photos! Sméagol in her chair, and Gollum in her makeshift diaper- don’t mind the panties I used hahaha. And then both were totally pooped after our experiments!
  5. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Thank you so much @DucksBySurprise and @Miss Lydia They are still doing alright- Gollum is getting very strong and seems only slightly inhibited by her legs and still walks on her hocks. I try to stretch the legs and move the joints but they are still so stiff that I can't tape/brace them and...
  6. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Thank you all @Miss Lydia @DucksBySurprise and @thumper650 I was just feeling so overwhelmed this morning...I think the feeling is more like, helpless that I am trying so hard and nothing is working, and angry that someone would neglect them like that to begin with. I had to go to TSC and...
  7. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I am at a loss as of what to do today...Smeagol is not improving and somehow her legs seem to be worse. Every time I think I've gotten somewhere with her it's like one step forward and five steps back. I have no idea how to help her and am not sure what could be wrong other than a structural...
  8. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I have Smeagol in a basket for now, but plan on finding her a more suitable one. I love the sling! I wonder if I could make something for her/them out of an old arm sling! I can sew also, so I will figure something out if need be :) Second dosing of vitamins this morning and more stretching of...
  9. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I think I will do the brewer's yeast in addition to their b complex (that seems reasonable since it's water soluble). I'll check around too and maybe I'll try two doses of liquid b vitamins a day if I feel comfortable with that. You'd think they'd just get rid of the excess if they don't need...
  10. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    @biophiliac wow, thank you! I was afraid that I could OD them on that possible?
  11. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I was thinking the SAME thing today hahaha. I even tried making her a flotation device for swimming (it was a fail, but turns out just changing the pool helped enough). I was even thinking of a little walking harness so I could help her but not too much so that she learns how to do it. I had pet...
  12. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    ...of another, she kinda hops forward or scoots backwards. When I pick her up, I gently pull up on one hip and push down a little on the other and it *looks* like it's really straightening her out. She doesn't mind it at all either. I just can't figure out how I can *keep* her in that position...
  13. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    ...expensive for only 25lbs. Nobody sells it around me so I'd be buying a bag every two weeks. They won't sell bulk to individuals unfortunately :( **Update** ducklings got their first dose of b complex. They would only take it mixed with food so that's what I had to do, but better than...
  14. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    We don't have an avian vet anywhere near me :/ I will ask around to a few folks who have chickens/ducks around here and maybe a family member who is in vet school would have an idea....
  15. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    There's a video of little Smeagol. She wasn't trying to move around too much but when I help her back up, usually she over-corrects herself and falls down on the other side @casportpony and here are a couple pictures of my Cayugas' feet. Not sure how well you can see it, so I circled...
  16. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I'll get some video of them, definitely!
  17. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Funny, I just had xrays of my spine because I have scoliosis and I told my SO, "Look babe, Smeagol and I are the same!" I have pain, but I do alright. I know how to help myself, I just think I'm feeling discouraged because I have no idea how to help duck scoliosis and I don't want to hurt her...
  18. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    I am so frustrated/overwhelmed today. I feel like Smeagol is not showing any signs of improvement and I am not sure how to help her. I am really hoping these vitamins do something, but I am afraid she has a structural abnormality that will not work itself out...her one hip is higher than the...
  19. bsides2007

    Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

    Thank you! Hmmm, I'm not sure, it's hard to say because they all have so much personality! I just love them all :love
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