Rescue ducklings (Niacin/riboflavin deficiency)

Of course pics. Not sure on her breathing could be just the exertion hopefully nothing to really worry about.

Your doing awesome with them. :hugs

Where you able to look up wheel chairs etc for water fowl?

I have tried designing a couple but will have to do some more research but here are some photos! Sméagol in her chair, and Gollum in her makeshift diaper- don’t mind the panties I used hahaha. And then both were totally pooped after our experiments!
Just because I've been quiet, it doesn't mean I do not care. I've been thinking a lot about this thread lately. bsides, you are a good person! To care for these helpless, innocent little beings is, well, godly--and I applaud you for your efforts.
I have made several prosthetics for birds in my time, and I would LOVE to somehow be involved in this.
Years ago, some fishermen in Marina Del Rey, CA were mutilating the pelicans who lived there. I guess they thought that the pelicans were stealing their catch. (They weren't) These bastards actually CUT OFF the top of the beak, leaving only the bottom part. I know--this is a pretty severe image. Anyway, I got involved, and was making resin beak parts--uppers--and then cementing them onto the live birds, using a special medical adhesive. They worked like a charm, and we were able to save over a hundred pelicans.
So making an orthotic or a wheelchair would be one way to go for your little darlings.
Sadly for me, every time I start to get involved with your problem, I get SO ANGRY with the TSC that caused this problem, that I just can't function right. But I am not giving up.
The upper peninsula in MI is a far cry from So. Colorado (where I live). I honestly wish I lived close enough to just jump in my car and come over to your place to offer my help.
I have made a couple of good friends at BYC, and I hope I can somehow be of service to you. At the very least, I can keep the faith.
Thank you so much @gilbert2 that is very kind of you. I have updated on a few new threads but just to update here, I did end up losing Smeagol- I'm still not quite sure what exactly was wrong but she was only half the size she should have been and wasn't thriving at all. I tried all I could possibly think of. As for Gollum, she is doing pretty well! Here legs are still deformed but she gets along okay. I did make her a chair, but she ended up hating it because she couldn't scoot around. I wrap her legs daily so that she doesn't hurt herself as much with the way she walks. I would still love to come up with something different, like some kind of pads for her legs/hocks that would strap on somehow. Lately my biggest concern with her is her wings, because she does try to use them to balance and help move herself and I don't want her to break them. She is a good girl, she loves to swim and hang out in the sun. She loves to be held on my lap too :) She enjoys dandelions and mealworms very much and she actually likes watching the big ducks. I sometimes wonder if she is jealous of how they can move, or if she is sad that she can't do that, but she seems to be happy. She still gets really tired at the end of a long day of swimming and playing outside (just like ducklings do) so it's funny because she drops her head down and can't keep her eyes open. She's a sweetie ^_^

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