
  1. sashisashuni

    Growing pekin duck advise

    sorry if my english is not good, i speak spanish more. A few weeks ago my neighbors son who is 11 thought it was a good idea to order baby ducks on tiktok shop without his mothers permission. They arrived at their house on june 27th and looked like the first picture. However, around 6 days ago...
  2. J

    Pekin drake 4 months - Conyers GA

    Need to find a good home for a 4 month old pekin drake. Located just outside of Atlanta, GA in Conyers. Feel free to text. 703-786-9895
  3. S

    Looking to Rehome ducks in Cocoa FL

    Heyo I have too many males and need a new home for a few. 2 Cayuga, 1 mallard and 1 Pekin. I Live in Cocoa FL. I'm new to the site so if this should be redirected please point me in the right direction.
  4. floridawildducks

    Egg check please

    Hi! How are these Pekin Duck eggs looking? Wondering if the darker colored ones might end up being bad eggs. For reference - This is a neighborhood Pekin duck nesting in my bushes. I don’t touch the eggs or disturb the nest. I’m just trying to protect her and the nest from predators. She...
  5. G

    Rehoming ducks (found a home!)

    They are in a new home, thanks!
  6. Flutterbudget

    Can someone help me?!! I’m losing my marbles Can anyone help at all? She’s eaten today but not all that much but continues to drink. Her tail seems fanned and splayed which I’m concerned about, she hasn’t laid an egg...
  7. Flutterbudget

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Hi all, This morning unfortunately we had a fox visit the garden but due to hearing it and my partner darting out, the fox dropped my precious poppet and scarpered. (5am). She has a puncture wound above her right wing and to her tummy. She’s had a bath, I’ve cleaned the wounds with vetericyn...
  8. K

    New Member - Duck Wing Issue?

    Hello, all! I’m new here but I’ve been a longtime lurker without an account. But finally made an account because I am new to ducks and need some opinions. I have four 8 week old Pekins (pretty sure they’re jumbo 🤦🏼‍♀️) and one of them is struggling to keep her wings tucked in. When she walks...
  9. F

    Hatchikng pekin ducklings 30 hours since first peep no zip yet?

    Hello everyone, I had 27 pekin duck eggs in my incubator 29 days ago and out of that only 15 had movement. The yesterday on day 28 most of them had peep mark and some had movement inside but no peep mark yet so I put safety hole for them and the ones that had peep mark I opened it just by one...
  10. M

    Need help figuring out duck problem

    Can anyone help me or give me some advice? My 5 year old Jumbo Pekin came out of the coop she shares with her 3 year old sister this morning unable to walk or balance herself and outstretching her wings to guide her back down to the ground to sit. She has been quacking and responsive, eating and...
  11. P

    Pekin layed two soft shelled eggs after one hard shelled egg.

    Hello! I have a question about soft shelled eggs. My Pekin who will be one next month has laid two soft shelled eggs after her normal egg this morning. That would be 3 total today. She had laid one this morning and by 4pm she was puffed up and laid two soft shelled eggs. I will include a photo...
  12. M


    Hi there, I'm definitely needing some help from anyone and everyone right now. I'm very concerned over my 5 year old Jumbo Pekin Cracker, as she came out of the coop this morning with her 3 year old sister and has been acting very weird. She's had a little limp for a bit now but today it seems...
  13. think_fast_chicklenuts

    does anyone know why my ducks only trust me in certain conditions, and how to fix it?

    I have 4 Pekin ducks. They are 7 weeks and 4 days old and live in a very spacious run with some chickens of the same age. (They get along well and there's enough space so the ducks don't trample the chicks.) I only recently stopped putting the chicks and ducks back in their separate brooders at...
  14. jroyalimage

    Duck free range schedule

    so I have 6 ducks. 2 pekins, 4 Swedish. They are coming up on 7 weeks old and have been outside for about 2 weeks now and just this past week I took away their heat lamp. Next week I plan to allow them to fully free range near our large pond. But I have a question. They are at the point now...
  15. cueduckv

    What should I do with a lone duck?

    I had a pair of two female Pekin Ducks but recently one of them sadly passed away. What is the best thing to do in this situation? Should I adopt another adult or get a duckling for her? Or should I not introduce another duck for a while, but how long is too long? How long can she be alone for...
  16. M

    Pekin duck

    Duck had a pip Monday night & started working since Tuesday afternoon. It never progressed too far so today I helped it hatch. It hatched about an hour ago and isn’t standing yet which I assume is normal? It’s in the incubator still by itself it’s the only egg that we had make it. I just noticed...
  17. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    I have two Pekin ducks, a male and a female Karen and Jaylen Waddles. this is her second attempt at sitting on a clutch. The first attempt was unfortunately destroyed and eaten by some field rats that are no longer in the picture. She is currently on roughly day, 28/29. She was sitting on the...
  18. AmyA248

    Incubating Muscovy and Pekin eggs at different ages and I can’t tell the difference! How can I tell??

    Hello to all! My ducks have began to lay again but are not sitting. They dug a deep hole and laid 6 eggs. The problem is we now have Pekins as well and I honestly don’t know if the eggs are Muscovy or Pekin! I need to find out because lockdown is different and the eggs are of different ages. If...
  19. T

    Anyone want to take a guess on gender,color variation?

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