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  1. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Yeah, nope I wouldn't trust that either if you want to be sure... best to wait til they're 6-8 weeks old and the girls find their quacks...
  2. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Not that I have seen so far... if you're trying to sex them by bill color, it doesn't work... bill color isn't gender specific for those until after they're voice sexable, male bills *usually* turn green or yellow once they go through their adult molt...
  3. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Very welcome! Got my :fl for you and them! :)
  4. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Some drakes are great fathers, just some tend to be *jealous* of any others closer to their mate than them... Good deal... better to be safe than sorry, imo... :)
  5. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    But he may be wanting to sleep near mama and trying to push the babies away at night... I would at least try some observing if possible in the evenings, or just settingva ring of poultry wire around her and her babies, just to be safe... Yup, unfortunately... Any kind of trauma, head or...
  6. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    ...babies from the drake at night? Some drakes are fine with babies, some are not... and some are good with them during the day when they have space and run around, but have issues when confined close at night... could he have done some rough poking and *not really intentionally* caused some injury?
  7. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Awwww!! Good mama!! And daddy drake is being a good daddy!! :love
  8. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Oh, video needs to be uploaded to youtube or vimeo first, then copy/paste the link in your post... :)
  9. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Not at all... :D Actually was wondering if you might have oversized Call ducks as Calls hatch 24-26 days and Mallards *should be* 28... high temps in your area could have started development early and pushed up the hatch time...
  10. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Awww!!! :love Yep, those are definitely Mallards... adorable Muscovy baby too!
  11. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Might be more of an optical illusion, but the lines between the yellow and dark on Muscovies is clearer and yellow is brighter/cleaner... *usually*... There's exceptions to every rule, lol...
  12. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    This is actually a 2nd line, just slightly broken... :thumbsup
  13. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    And that too, lol... they have more yellow as well... :D
  14. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    That down pattern is just basic wildtype pattern/color... it's common across many duck breeds... if yours hatched at 24 days, there's no Muscovy... Btw, do you have any good, clear pics of the parents? I am curious that they only took 24 days...
  15. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Some just don't handle the hormone rushes as well as others, lol... just be careful he doesn't breed your chickens... But they're cute! And I do agree... unless one doesn't have ethics... someone near me was always selling Swede/Muscovy crosses, but never mentioned they were mules... :(
  16. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Poor girls... poor guy, lol... I completely forgot you have had mules in all the confusion, sorry! :hugs
  17. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    I have recessive genes experience, Kathy has Muscovy/Moulard experience... :D ;) :thumbsup
  18. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Lol... she knows what Muscovies can look like, Kathy (casportpony) has Muscovies... she wanted to know what color specifically yours are in case the cross *could* cause same coloration as Snowy... ;)
  19. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    Gender won't be evident til at least 6-8 weeks old, females will quack before males will get their adult plumage (at about 4 months old)... but yes, the males will still have green heads... If you aren't planning to sell until they are sexable, then IF they are crosses, it should definitely be...
  20. Ravynscroft

    Mallard ducklings question

    ...And as juveniles they all tend to have dark heads... If they grow out like these, then they are Snowys... I am not versed in Mules to say *for certain* they are not crossed mules, but they look like Snowy to me... are you planning to sell them anytime soon or let them grow out and see?
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