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  1. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Yeah, he has barring and his legs are not yellow. But he's such a good boy that even if his little brothers outshine him, he will not be stewed. I will re-home him If I can't keep him. He deserves a good, long life. Interestingly, he also has a 'laughing crow' like those roosters from the video...
  2. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Thought I should post an update since I have some nice new pictures. I have been watching "The Nine" grow up since the day digit appeared with the little surprises in tow. Even my roomies (who shake their heads and roll their eyes at my strange project) have independently remarked how...
  3. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I got better pictures! Look at this handsome boy all covered in spots. I had to corner him in the run to get these, but its worth it because you can really see his feathers. He looks a bit brighter in person, but you get the idea. Here's another Digit and Peeps pic. Look how fast they are...
  4. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    None of my Alohas were serious about brooding till this year. Last year they dabbled, but this year Digit was determined. As far as trading goes... MaBo and I have been trying to coordinate our schedules to eliminate our older (and meaner!) roosters and look at each others newer birds to trade...
  5. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I figured I should check in! Sadly the birds I am most excited about are camera shy... but here's a few pics. Check out the handsome boy in the back there! His name is Sokka, and he's a half Sussex/half aloha. He has a vivid dark orange base color with TONS of black and white spots ALL over his...
  6. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I have all sorts of surprise chicks too! I still have 6 broodies (after 2 successful hens and one hatch-a-holic hen who abandons her chicks left their nests) on over 40 fertile eggs, Plus my 9 mystery chicks. I won't know till they are older who is actually going to be useful, but several look...
  7. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I haven't updated in a while, so I figured I should drop in. My injured hen, Digit, is fully recovered and, even better, is tamer now than before her accident! I have a total of 7 mystery mutt chicks and I am pretty sure that includes 3 buff orp x alohas, up to 3 sussex x alohas, and the last I...
  8. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I have mystery mutts! Broody successfully hatched 5 chicks that might be Aloha mixes. Looks like another buff x Easter chick, and one Goldy x ? Two look Sussex-ish, and one is yellow with light brown stripes like no one but the Alohas in my flock. I can't wait for them to grow up so I can see...
  9. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Both of my Aloha roosters are about the size of my Sussex and orp hens. They stand as tall as my bigger roosters (they stretch to do it because they want to be the biggest baddest things around) but they really are smaller. Not tiny, though, And nice red-gold colors, But they are barred, and...
  10. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Finally got my Sussex pics on the computer which still uses the internet! This was my least colorful hen, Cayanne, now passed. The second pic is Bell, my 'average' hen. Here's Bell and Paprika (the most spotted). My other hen, Skull, Looks like she's halfway between these two. And here is...
  11. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    A few of my Alohas have sneezed, but they seem otherwise fine. I lost a Sussex and an EE but couldn't find any signs of what killed them. I have been watching for mucus, and haven't sen it on anyone. I have only lost 2 Alohas out of the original 25- one to a predator, and one literally flew...
  12. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I'm afraid we've been slacking a bit over here. MaBo just started a new job and has been super busy, while I just lost mine and have been super distracted trying to start my own business. As far as the weather goes I think we are right in hatching season now! The next two months will be the...
  13. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project intentional cross, I will be looking to keep any big spotted chicks. I am eager to replace my ornry Aloha roosters. Scrawny boys are beating the ****** out of my big fluffy rooster and even chasing off my older hens. Some sussex ought to mellow that out, I hope. I adore the hens, though...
  14. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Mine have an assortment of combs, most of the keepers have singles, though. The reason for trying for single comb is that it is easier to tell early on who is going to be a rooster.
  15. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Digit's disaster update #2: She is still eating well, but now this includes standing and walking with a severe limp. This is a major improvement as before she could not use her right leg at all. I worry she might always be... handicapped... but I am now confident she can return to the flock...
  16. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Digit's disaster update: Alive, alert, and eating well. I think, though I am no vet, that her right 'knee' is sprained. She seems like she can't put much, if any, weight on it. But I can't find any breaks and it doesn't seem dislocated. I tore a ligament in my knee once and I know what...
  17. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Near disaster! A wheelbarrow tipped over and fell on Digit (my smallest, but best colored hen) squishing her. Fortunately, though she has been there trapped beneath it all day (or longer?) she survived. So far. She is eating well (and ignoring the water I gave her because she likes the mash I...
  18. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    A bunch of my chickens seem to have a cold too. This isn't the first time I have heard sneezes going around. I often get that in the early spring for some reason. But I am a tad worried. No one LOOKS sick, but one of my pure sussex keeled over dead a few days ago. No signs of anything wrong. I...
  19. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    About....half?...the original Alohas had yellow legs. A few had grey and pink, but I think most of those were roos I culled. Only one of my 6 (The escapist hen who won't stay out of my garden) has legs that aren't yellow. Both the roos from my end have pale yellow legs. I think Matt's hen who...
  20. Tam'ra of Rainbow Vortex

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Look at all those cute little things! I think I see three rooster already. But wow, look at the spots! They are not quite as varied as the original (all Aloha) batch was, but they are still pretty good looking peeps. Now I just need to get my breeding pens straightened out and hatch out some...
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