The Aloha Chicken Project

i have 2 chicks hatched from the incubator test. and 3 pipped from the pen #4 test. i'm worried about them, my alohas have always hatched early and these look like they will hatch late. i hope i didnt cook them wrong. will keep you posted.

Must get . . . Brazillian Singing Roosters . . .


Look at all the white on the right one! The golden orange tones on the left!

The big combs and yellow legs!!!

Is it legal to ship live poultry or eggs from Brazil?
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what is this?? i know the pictures are bad but you have to see this, i'll name him petey, lol.

it looks like someone took this little guy (from pen 4) and painted him with black marker! and i definitely have some sticky chicks!! altogether i have the original 2 from the incubator test and 4 from the pen #4 test. they are darker and i am so glad they hatched!! this one is going to be a favorite i can already tell.
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How can that come out of these??


Well . . . it sure looks like more "controlled hatch" tests like these are a good idea. Apparently Alohas still have lots of surprises for us!

what is this?? i know the pictures are bad but you have to see this, i'll name him petey, lol.

it looks like someone took this little guy (from pen 4) and painted him with black marker! and i definitely have some sticky chicks!! altogether i have the original 2 from the incubator test and 4 from the pen #4 test. they are darker and i am so glad they hatched!! this one is going to be a favorite i can already tell.
I have mystery mutts!
Broody successfully hatched 5 chicks that might be Aloha mixes. Looks like another buff x Easter chick, and one Goldy x ? Two look Sussex-ish, and one is yellow with light brown stripes like no one but the Alohas in my flock. I can't wait for them to grow up so I can see what they look like.

MaBo gave me an update on the 'chicks' and I reported the numbers wrong. From my flock are 2 Easter/buff roos (one he says is the nicest of the 11 roosters hatched) and 1 Easter/buff hen, plus 2 buff/Hastur (most likely) from my flock. He says they all have very pretty colors and all of them are nice and big.

Gonna hatch some Sussex/Alohas soon, to cross with the buff/Alohas and next year I will have amazing progress :)

And on another happy note, Digit decided today she was DONE being in the sick wing and she is out with the rest of the flock . She's still limping (worse than when she convinced me to release her this morning, of course) but she seems like she'll be fine soon.
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Thanks for the update, Tamra! Keep hatching!

My babies are looking cooler each and every day! These are the siblings to Runswscissor's chicks. One rooster looks kind of Sussex-ish with pink legs, but is a much lighter brown base color. Going to grow him out - if he does NOT lose his white, or gets more white as he ages (which is how Sussex work - the amount of white increases as they mature) then he might be a good one to try with Cheeto's daughters. Try to offset the "fading white syndrome" that we've seen only in Cheeto's offspring. Plus Cheeto has that short tail, he'd look so nice with a long flowy tail. So far looks like this young rooster, he should have a decent tail.

I am seeing four nice colorful hens in there, and maybe one more that is starting to show spots on her chest like a Sussex hen. (If she is Sussex bred, which develop white later, she will be covered in spots by four months.) But instead of Sussex mahogany and black, she is a nice solid medium red color all over!

As I've mentioned, a lot of times only one in 10 chicks is a "keeper hen". Like the batch of 25 hatched last fall, zero roosters made the cut, and I got two NICE half-Sussex hens. I still hung onto two other half-Sussex hens for now, but those will likely be culled once I hatch chicks from the "good" hens. Those other two are mostly just back-ups.

So the fact I'm seeing four or maybe even five really nice hens and two promising roos developing from a batch of about 25 chicks is good news! It means the ratio of "keepers" to "culls" is improving!
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One breeder pen done, 5 to go. I'm using dog kennels that have a hinged top and the nests will be placed where the solid board is now on the run. I love these kennels because I can put them together myself. They have drop in floors and over the top of those my DS cut a piece of vinyl for each one. So far, I have 3 kennels put together and waiting for runs. The runs are made from pallets taken apart with nails and staples removed. I painted them so that they might last a little bit longer. I plan to range the breeder pens over the pasture inside the electric fence which is easily moved. The kennels aren't horribly heavy and neither is the run so with one other person I can move them when I need to . I may put these on wheels at some point, not sure yet.

During the winter I can easily add reflective insulating board so if I want to continue breeding through the winter I can. I want to use the insulated and stationery coop for my brooder throughout the year, instead of using my craftroom. The coop has a concrete floor so I feel like it's nice and secure, plus we insulated it also. The runs are in various stages of completion and DH is working
on stapling the hardware cloth on the next one now. Yay! I
progress! This pen currently houses the kids bantams, so they are beta testing the set up for us. So far, so good!

The next two pens will temporarily house the Alohas until I get all the pens completed and then split them into their breeding groups.

The Alohas continue to do really well and I have lots of really good possibilities for breeding. In the meantime, my basic flock seems to be fully recovered from the sniffles without antibiotics so I'm thinking I may not have to go to that extreme.

Sorry for the cross post of pic for those who've already seen it.

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