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  1. CalBickieMomma

    Concern about Chick Legs Getting Caught in Incubator Grate

    Thanks! I will be setting the eggs in tomorrow, so I'll go ahead and find some shelf liner on Amazon now. We started warming up the incubator today and hopefully the first grade teacher left it on so it'll be good to go tomorrow morning when I get there (I get there early to run the morning...
  2. CalBickieMomma

    Concern about Chick Legs Getting Caught in Incubator Grate

    Thanks! Oh, and about lockdown on day 17 - is it safe to do lockdown during the night of day 17? I have a work event until 6pm and probably wouldn’t get to the school until 8pm or so …
  3. CalBickieMomma

    Concern about Chick Legs Getting Caught in Incubator Grate

    Hello Chicken People! The first grade class where I work will be hatching out Serama eggs - or at least we're going to be trying to hatch them out. I think I've got everything set up properly, but my concern is when hatch day arrives, the itty bitty legs of the chicks might get caught in the...
  4. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thanks! I ended up halving it (just happened to have a 1/8 teaspoon on hand 🤗). I’ll give her the new ACS/ACV water mix in the morning. Here’s to hoping it helps! 🤞🏻🐥
  5. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thank you! I don't know if I have a gallon jug available, but I'll look. I sure hope this does the trick. She's still acting pretty normal, but I can tell she isn't feeling 100%. The fact that she isn't too interested in eating has me a little worried. Anyway, all the best and I'll let you...
  6. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    I think I should start giving my Phoebe water with the Acidified Copper Sulfate. She seems to have a mild case of sour crop now (her crop is kind of gassy and she’s not interested in eating much). Also, I’m reluctant to try taking out more of the canker because I fear I might accidentally...
  7. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Mini update on my hen, Phoebe... My girl is still struggling with what I believe is canker. This morning I tried digging more of the canker out (because she was showing discomfort the night before when she tried to swallow). I got out a good chunk and several little chunks, but there is still...
  8. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thank you! This sounds like a good plan 🤗.
  9. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Hello fellow chicken people! I have a hen (3 year old Barred Rock) with what I'm 90% sure is canker. Here's what I know so far: 1.) She has some nasty, cheese-like gunk in her mouth I at first thought was wet pox. 2.) Her breath smells bad (almost like old tuna...? Hard to describe, but it is...
  10. CalBickieMomma


    The vast majority of my girls are lap chickens who don’t respect personal boundaries (My RIR and Buff Orpington will climb up the front of me and get as close to my face as they can, and the same RIR (and my Barred Rocks) will peck-scrape at me until I pet or snuggle them 😂). The only ones who...
  11. CalBickieMomma

    April Fools 2022 - Reserve Your New Username NOW!

    Ack! Can I get CalBickieMama if it’s still available, please? If not, maybe Jenna’sBackyardBickies? Thank you! :wee
  12. CalBickieMomma

    Help! Pullet favoring her right foot …

    Thank you for checking in! She made a full recovery and is totally fine now (she‘s actually come out of her shy, docile shell and has been trying to work her way up the pecking order - she terrorized my two Polish for weeks before finally relenting 🙄). I’m guessing she had a minor strain or...
  13. CalBickieMomma

    Using Regurgitation Method to Clear a Partially Blocked Crop

    Thank you! I’ve done this with girls who had sour crop before, but my Beatrix doesn’t have sour crop. I’m going to keep at the whole liquid nutrition in the morning and olive oil massage in the afternoons for now - at least while she remains in good health. Hopefully I’ll eventually work out...
  14. CalBickieMomma

    Using Regurgitation Method to Clear a Partially Blocked Crop

    ...4.) Was able to massage most of what was in her crop through the other night (after giving her olive oil), but she’s still not draining solid parts *I’m attaching pictures below What I’ve done for treatment: 1.) Kept her inside for two days and liquid diet only (water with probiotics...
  15. CalBickieMomma

    Thinking of getting a female Guinea for my boy, but I have some questions for you experts ...

    Thanks! I’m going to see if I can go look at the flock maybe this Friday (so I have more time on the weekend to observe Vic Vic and the new girl). Of course, that’s IF there are any females left and IF I can weed her out from the bunch (the owner says they’re in a coop right now and I’m...
  16. CalBickieMomma

    Thinking of getting a female Guinea for my boy, but I have some questions for you experts ...

    Hello wonderful Guinea folk! I have a single male Guinea (he showed up in my yard as a keet and will be three years old in June). He is in the same area as my chickens but is sectioned off because he chased them too much. I have been looking on and off for a girlfriend for him for the past...
  17. CalBickieMomma

    Whoa! That's kinda cool :).

    Whoa! That's kinda cool :).
  18. CalBickieMomma

    My 1.5 year old Chicken is lethargic, has swollen crop?

    Poor bean! If you are pretty sure it is crop issues, it might also be a blockage or partial blockage. Pretty sure this is what happened with my little June Bug when she was only a week or two old - puffy crop full of air/gas I had to massage out. I treated her by giving her olive oil to help...
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