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  1. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    I think the silver laced has her’s at the front of the shot curdled underneath, the others have their inner ones out of shot.
  2. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    I don’t know! I’ll have to go back and look!
  3. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Hoping Ivy doesn’t go too hard with her moult. Just watched Snow charge across the yard a few times to run off some mynars that were trying to eat her scraps of scrambled egg and sardine dinner that’s left so the big girl’s still got some pep at least 😂
  4. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    I wish I was in the market for pullets, my farm lady has some beauties 😍
  5. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Hey MJ and all. Catching up after over a week away from BYC. Great to see Ivy up and about and the house tour pics were fantastic 🤭 cheeky girl!! I hope your new girls are going well and that they caught that mouse @LozzyR 😆 @BY Bob, your thread is next but I have the feeling there will be...
  6. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    She’s not falling off!
  7. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Working on the cockerel question now. Thank you for your advice MJ, you know it’s always appreciated. Looked out before and Snow is on the floor of the coop, almost trying to snuggle with her from outside the box. It’s dark. This is concerning me for 2 reasons. Would she interfere with Belle and...
  8. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    ...about the operation. The eggs, if I choose to get them, may not be viable anyway. What if Aunty Snow pecks them to death. What if Belle does. *sigh* Your experience MJ has both inspired me and put me off the idea. I’m sorry egg no.2 isn’t looking like hatching :hugs :hugs I also think...
  9. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    No peeps, MJ? ☹️
  10. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Fingers are crossed, mate! I just got home from work and Snow was in a box as was Belle. Snow finished laying her egg then got up, looked at Belle and gave this loud honking caw at her. 2 mins later Belle exits and is now doing all her self care jobs, Snow following behind. The honk was maybe a...
  11. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Yeah, that’s fine! I try to get on and say hello and what state I’m in, sometimes I get distracted by this or Bob’s thread though and forget 😅
  12. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Or she could be like Belle and just settle down easily in a new box 😂 Tegan’s been sitting for a while though so hopefully moving her will be enough 🤞🏻
  13. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    So awesome!!!
  14. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    The first time I let her sit for 3 weeks, getting her out each day because I couldn’t be sure she was doing it herself. That’s why I eventually got the cage because she was having none of it! This time I might let her get herself up and see what happens. I’ll weigh her in the morning so I have a...
  15. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Whenever I do the roost after dark she’s back in the box within minutes. The force is strong with this one 🤭
  16. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Oooo, exciting!
  17. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Yes, very good advice. Being back at work I can’t lock her out of the coop all day with Snow needing to lay. She’s chosen her box out of the 3 😂💜
  18. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Here I have Belle I think going to stay broody even with a new coop 🙄 Can’t have ‘broken up’ the old nest anymore than make the whole coop disappear 😅 I’m so torn about what to do but I’m sure I’ll work it out 😁
  19. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    Sorry MJ and Ivy 😕
  20. Scrambles83

    MJ's little flock

    How sweet 💜
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