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  1. EggSighted4Life

    16 days since process- in fridge Still okay to eat?

    Partly depends on how clean your processing was.. but I was seriously surprised to see just how long they were still good for without any feeling of slime or scent of funk like is common from commercial poultry. I have gone just about that long safely.
  2. EggSighted4Life

    Corid day 4 regression...

    How old is your hen, and do you have another thread on her already going? Drinking water while going off food can be a symptom of a blockage.. Check her crop.. is it flat and empty, hard and full, or squishy and full...
  3. EggSighted4Life

    Water Blister on hen's side

    Still sounds *possibly* essentially like what would be called edema (symptom).. caused by or called ascites in poultry (heart failure which can be progressive as opposed to sudden death). Sorry for repeating myself and seeming one tracked. If the body was able it would naturally reabsorb those...
  4. EggSighted4Life

    Odd egg

    No and my best guess would be something similar to a "meat spot" or sloughing reproductive tract material.. near the bottom of the article. I'd also be a little on the lookout for signs of Salipigitis or lash egg which are not noted in the following link...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Birds taking over the coop!

    Using a different feeder type might help some.. what are you currently using? Maybe adding in some shiny whirly bird type things that blow in the wind. Hanging old CD's from fishing line, etc. Those garden type fake owls.. are useless in my experience.
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Are eggs ok to eat

    I still feed them back to the animals.. dogs, chickens, etc. :thumbsup
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Pale Egg shells

    Sometimes eggs spend less time in the "spray booth".. For example during long summer days when production may be at it's highest since laying hormone is light related. Even the famed Marans may lose their dark egg color throughout the season. In addition, yes.. heat/hot weather can cause pale...
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Maintaining genetic diversity in a small flock?

    Usually several generations of "close" inbreeding before decline in fertility accoridng to my current understanding. Maybe something like the clan mating system used for chickens will also work well for quail. Examples in following link...
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Buff Orpington gender

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Oh ya, he's a handsome young fella.. A cockerel, not technically a rooster until 1 year old.. the difference being most important when discussing health and behavior.
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Small mobile chicken coop Shabby Shiek

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Looks like a very nice, cozy coop and a lovely little flock! 🥰
  11. EggSighted4Life

    Really Red Face…Sick?

    Very nice.. age cofirms gender is female. This is what I call pinking up but not quite the same as the deeper red that will set in as they get closer to lay.. the deeper red is what I'm describing as happening about 4 weeks before onset of lay and you will likely recognize the change. Very...
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Chicken with mucus

    The mucus.. I guess I was hoping was water or crop gunk related.. but sounds like it may be respiratory or possibly even an allergic reaction as suggested by the other poster.. maybe an extreme reaction to the gnats.. Did any more symptoms develop for him or your flock throughout today? Did his...
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Is this booted bantam a rooster??

    It's a cockerel.. he has male saddle feathers.. He's just developing at a slower pace.. doesn't mean anything is wrong per say. Some roosters have crowed as late as 18 months in my personal experience.. flock dynamics plus individual personality makes for a wide range of what's "normal". I've...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    Chicken with mucus

    Sorry your fella is unwell. Shaking the head is the only way to clear the throat or adjust the crop. They can cough or sneeze but they don't have any gag reflex.. according to my current understanding. ACTING normal is a great way to avoid predation and flock brutality. They have even been...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    10 week old EE pullet vomiting water (I think)?

    ...and water in the morning and see if the crop has emptied overnight. The fact she did it IN the morning also.. confirms need for investigation and *almost* rules out the first sentiment, at least in MY mind. The article in the following link may be useful...
  16. EggSighted4Life

    Sick chicken. Weird egg. Bad poop.

    Do they have oyster shell or another calcium source free choice on the side? Only large round worm species and tape worms may ever be seen in droppings by the naked eye. All others will stay inside the bird and only microscopic oocysts (eggs) will pass.. sometimes seen via fecal float, though...
  17. EggSighted4Life

    Water Blister on hen's side

    Okay.. 6 weeks old is a chick not a hen.. and *can* make for a much different picture! For informational purposes only and for future readers.. While my family still uses the term roo and hen in casual conversation, when discussing health or behavioral issues age truly matters.. There are...
  18. EggSighted4Life

    Water Blister on hen's side

    ...lonely.. and reintegration can be brutal. What is your feed routine, including treats and supplements? Questions to see if there is anything that *may* be suggested as helpful to managing conditions. Does she roost? Does her abdomen feel squishy? How does the skin look below the vent? How...
  19. EggSighted4Life

    Roo or pullet? Golden laced Wyandotte

    Nice, the stated age confirms they are indeed pullets! :celebrate A lot of the things that *used* to indicate cockerel (for GLW specifically and in my experience).. like the poor lacing quality on the chest in pic #1 now just indicates hatchery/pet/layer quality as opposed to breeding or show...
  20. EggSighted4Life

    Roo or pullet? Golden laced Wyandotte

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow I'm never sure if pic 2 is supposed to be next to or below in how it lines up on my screen. Both of the Golden laced Wyandottes look like pullets. What is their age?
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