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  1. Cacique500

    Any problems with chicks via USPS in Southeast?

    Just got my new batch from Meyer today in Atlanta. Everybody made it fine. DO NOT trust usps tracking...mine got to Atlanta after one day then it said they were accepted back in Cleveland the next afternoon. I have no fingernails after that one...
  2. Cacique500

    New coop...going out of town

    A picture would help. If your run is really secure you should have no problem leaving the door open. I think you said you were concerned about digging around the edge of the run. You can lay down a 18" to 24" strip of hardware cloth around the perimeter (and hold it down with landscaping...
  3. Cacique500

    Changing to Sweet PDZ

    Here's the one I got:
  4. Cacique500

    To Many Flies!

    I use the Rescue Big Bag fly traps and they work really well. They do get a ripe smell after being in the sun, but my bags fill up very quickly in the summer. If you want to have a little fun with them, look for the Lawn and...
  5. Cacique500

    red ant problem

    Best stuff for fireants is the Amdro fire ant killer you can find at any big box store. I kick the nest to wake them up, then sprinkle the amdro on top...doesn't take much. If it's anywhere the chickens have access to, I'll also cover it with an old collander or bowl. Next day the nest is...
  6. Cacique500

    Help with dust bath

    Garden soil (from Home Depot), wood ash, sand. They use it pretty much every day then love to walk over to the patio to shake it all off. Inside the coop they'll use the pdz. Sometimes they'll just dig a hole in the clay soil and use that. I try to give mine options :)
  7. Cacique500

    Sleeping chickens outdoors

    Did you teach them where "home" is? Most folks will keep birds in the coop for a few days when they first go "outside" so they learn to roost there. If you're letting them sleep outside (voluntarily or not) it's only a matter of time before you find a pile of feathers and a missing bird.
  8. Cacique500

    Changing to Sweet PDZ

    Sounds good - you can always grab a couple bags next time you're at the store to add to it. I've found that when it's a little deeper it's easier to scoop. Mine also have a tendency to dust bath in it as well (even with a large dedicated dirt bath in the run) deeper means they don't...
  9. Cacique500

    New Chickens Integration Advice?

    Yes, she was the last standing of the old flock...I'm pretty sure the meeting was not going to be friendly so I made real sure to keep them separated for a long time.
  10. Cacique500

    New Chickens Integration Advice?

    Exactly...Ms. Peggy was digging on her side (the big hole) and amazingly the little ones were digging on their side. Multiple strategically placed bricks solved the issue before the little ones became her lunch. Next time there's going to be a hard barrier around the entire bottom!
  11. Cacique500

    Changing to Sweet PDZ

    ...assuming a depth of 3 inches). So that's 152x123x8 in cm. Approx 150,000 cm3 (volume) A 25 # bag is pdz is enough for 11,360 cm3 (25# / 2.2 #/kg * 1000 g/kg) 150,000/11360 = approx 10.5 (25#) bags for 5' x 4' x 3" Or...if I did this correctly...each full cubic foot of space takes 2 (25#)...
  12. Cacique500

    New Chickens Integration Advice?

    Good advice above. Pics below are what I did. One "fail" I had was somebody forgot that chickens Next time I'll secure the bottom better so they can't get out! And this is why it failed (initially)...I got very lucky that I just happened to be watching the cameras when this...
  13. Cacique500

    Lost my first hen yesterday....

    Sorry for your loss...that's the #1 negative to raising chickens in my book. Sounds like it might have been a heart attack. The video below (warning: it does show her dying) was my top hen. The only "good" to come out of it was it was quick. I've had 3 birds go this way.
  14. Cacique500

    Removing Cashew and Terry

    I'll throw in my $0.02 here. First, beautiful birds...I love having a really diverse flock and you have two "unique" ones there. I'd keep them and here's why. Getting two new chicks is going to make you go through all the hassle of integration again. Just getting two new chicks does NOT...
  15. Cacique500

    First Aid Kit Thoughts....

    I'd also have some Qwik Stop (styptic powder) and if you've got chicks have some corid on hand (just in case). Had a hen completely rip a toenail off one time and the styptic saved her...just stuck her foot down into the jar until it stopped bleeding.
  16. Cacique500

    Cleaning a dirty butt.....

    I've had a couple that just couldn't keep clean. I bring them inside to a downstairs bathroom and put them in the tub. Using latex gloves and the shower head I'll get everything soaking wet and gently work the poo off. It's really not a big deal, and the chickens certainly seem to appreciate...
  17. Cacique500

    Chicken losing neck feathers.

    I agree with the others...molting. I've got 4 going through a hard molt right now. Every morning the coop looks like they had a pillow fight.
  18. Cacique500

    It IS a hawk!!

    If you need any pics or have questions on the construction just email me and I can send them to you offline. It wasn't cheap and it took awhile, but I'm 99.999% sure nothing can get in there and it helps me sleep at night not worrying about them.
  19. Cacique500

    Fire Ants

    I know this thread is a couple months old but we have pretty severe fire ants down here. The best thing I've found is the Amdro Fire Ant Bait - within 24 hours it nukes the mound. When the mounds are close to the chicken...
  20. Cacique500

    It IS a hawk!!

    Yes, built it a couple years ago and it's doing really well as far as keeping bad critters out. Gotta say though, I saw your video and you did hand to hand combat with your win! :bow:thumbsup Pretty sure my hawk was a young Cooper's hawk...we have lots of those here in Georgia. The...
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