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    Finally cured my hen's pendulous crop, some tips

    First off, I do not believe there is one surefire way to cure pendulous crop because it seems like it can be caused by a variety of issues, such as blockages, worms, genetics, etc. There may not just be one way to solve your issue and I would attempt multiple treatments if you're not sure what's...
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    Broody hen and spitting up liquid.

    My very broody hen wakes up in the morning and spits up a little [mostly clear] liquid. Her crop is very full, but I assume this has to do with her being broody and her digestion being slowed down. Is it normal for her to be spitting up liquid occasionally [maybe 1-2 times per day?] She...
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    Sour crop and monistat - any tips for feeding it?

    I have a sick 8-week old chick who seems to clearly have sour crop (brown liquid is coming out of his beak sometimes/spitting up brown liquid.) I have isolated the chick, gave it apple cider vinegar mixed with water. I have been routinely massaging the chick, which he's fine with. His energy is...
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    Dry crusty skin on chick [not mites?]

    This is a nearly 4-week-old silkie. When I got it, it looked premature/very runty and had several health issues (curled toe, pecked eye, weakness, pasty butt) that have now been corrected or just healed. The chick is just as healthy and energetic [just smaller] as other chicks now, but seems to...
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    Chick has developed fixation with waterer and trying to eat out of it

    One of my chicks has become obsessed with the waterer, he likes to run up and kick at the waterer until a piece of food or whatever else falls off his foot and then he bites it out of the water. It's not a big deal and the chick seems fine, but I would prefer that he starts eating food normally...
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    Chick who overeats/overdrinks. What could be the cause?

    I have a chick (7 days old) that constantly overeats and overdrinks compared to the others, he will fill his crop uncomfortably full and get weak/sick. Yesterday he got pretty bad and got to a point where his wings were drooping and he just slept all day. I decided to withhold food and water for...
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    Frizzle/"sizzle" silkie chick?

    One of my white Silkies looks a little different than the others, is she a frizzle silkie? Her flight feathers are curling out now that they're starting to come in. She also has very long feathers on her wings (which stick straight out) and has always been a bit fuzzier than the rest. Last...
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    8-week Silkie chick hardly has feathers?

    I have an 8-week-old silkie chick who is feathering incredibly slow compared to his siblings. He looks like a big chick covered in some pin feathers/a few fuzzy feathers right now. Meanwhile, almost all his siblings have turned into fully round puffballs compared. Is this normal? When is it...
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    Do hens ever shuffle dance as chicks?

    I have a 6-week old silkie, I'm obviously very positive it's a rooster because he fights a little more than others but he has never crowed and silkies are quite slow to develop. I did see him do a little shuffle dance recently though after I changed out their food and the chicks all got excited...
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    Four day old chick with bumblefoot

    I picked a chick today locally, one has what appears to be a very small case of bumblefoot. The chick is a silkie, the feet are incredibly tiny. I'm looking for ideas on how to wrap it because vet tape cannot get a grip around the chicks waxy tiny leg. The chick is acting healthy, and eating and...
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    Bumblefoot, injury, or infection on foot of 4-day-old chick?

    My less than week old chick has a very small case of bumblefoot, or maybe an injury? I picked this chick up today and noticed this chick picking at its feet more than others a little, I assumed maybe it was just poop stuck to the foot or something and noticed a bump while cleaning its feet. The...
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