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  • Users: swamphiker
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  1. swamphiker

    Thinking about adding coturnix. Questions about making a small aviary.

    Hi folks, I've had chickens for several years and am contemplating adding coturnix quail, mainly for meat since I don't have the space for meat chickens. I like the idea of keeping the quail on dirt so they can scratch and exhibit more of their natural behaviors. I live in North Florida, so we...
  2. swamphiker

    Feather picking 2-week-old chick

    Hi folks, I currently have 26 2-week-old chicks. Yesterday, I noticed that one of the Polish chicks was getting her head feathers plucked out and it was starting to get a bit bloody. I took this as a sign that it was time for them to graduate them from the indoor brooder to my outdoor grow-out...
  3. swamphiker

    Chicken nail overgrowth cause?

    I have a backyard flock, including a 2.5 year old wyandotte whose feet are pictured below. Note the nail overgrowth and raised scales. She's the only bird with overgrown nails, everyone else's are a much more normal length. Their run is large and they spend plenty of time scratching. I went...
  4. swamphiker

    Broody jail!

    I finally gave up on my 'milder' attempts to break my GLW, Betty White, of her broodiness, so it is off to broody jail for her! If only I had known she would go broody before getting some new chicks in May, but I will keep it in mind for next summer to see if she might adopt some chicks.
  5. swamphiker

    Chicken making "honking" sound

    Today my gold-laced wyandotte, Betty White, made a strange sound that I can only liken to honking a couple dozen times today (see video below). It's hot and humid here, but the flock has plenty of access to both water and shade, and I haven't ever heard any of the other chickens make this noise...
  6. swamphiker

    Raising some feral Florida street chickens!

    This is the beginning of a little experiment to raise a group of Florida's feral street chickens! So far so good. I started with 8 last weekend, though one that was particularly weak didn't make it through the first night. The remaining 7 look great! It will be interesting to see what I end up...
  7. swamphiker

    Betty White laid her first egg!

    Betty White (named because she is a golden girl, a GLW), laid her first egg today! Her adorable pullet egg is pictured next to a typical egg from my red sex link for scale.
  8. swamphiker

    New flock members!

    Today is the day the new girls are officially part of the permanent flock. I purchased a group of 16 chicks in October from my local Rural King, and they all survived and are ALL PULLETS! I think I may have used up all my luck for the year 😂 I gave some to friends and sold the extras, keeping...
  9. swamphiker

    Helpful Avian Flu Factsheet

    Hi all, With all the talk about avian flu, I was having trouble finding a good resource aimed at backyard poultry keepers from a reputable source. Here's a great fact sheet I found from University of Minnesota Extension...
  10. swamphiker

    pullets enjoying the sunshine

    After 3 rainy days, the sun came out for my chooks to enjoy! I have various breeds, but happened to capture 3 easter eggers together.
  11. swamphiker

    Sexing 6-7 week old GLWs

    I have 3 6-7 week old gold-laced wyandottes. All are from a pullet bin from Hoover's by way of my local Rural King. Pullets or cockerels? Individual photos labeled.
  12. swamphiker

    Sexing 6 week old SLW

    I have 3 six-week-old silver laced wyandottes from a pullet bin at my local Rural King. Pullets or cockerels? Pictures are labeled to ID individual chicks.
  13. swamphiker

    Sexing 6-7 week old EEs

    I have four 6-7 week old easter egger chicks, all from a feed store pullet bin. I've labeled each chick in the photos with a number. Not all of the photos are the best, sorry! I'm sure many of you understand the struggle of getting decent photo of active chickens 😂
  14. swamphiker

    Sexing 6-7 week old black australorps

    I have two 6-7 week old black australorps from a feed store pullet bin. The top picture is one chick, the two bottom photos are of the same chick. Pullets or cockerels?
  15. swamphiker

    Lethargic 6-week-old chick, presumptive coccidiosis

    I have a group of sixteen 5-6 week old chicks who have been transitioning to the outdoors over the past couple of weeks, tonight is set to be their first night out in the coop since they are pretty much fully feathered (minimum temp tonight is 42ºF). I first noticed that one of my 6-week old EEs...
  16. swamphiker

    Easter egger chick feather coloration

    Hello and Happy (almost) Thanksgiving! This is one of my 5-week-old easter egger chicks. Its coloring is a bit different from the other EEs I got from the same bin. I know that EEs are mixes and therefore variable in feather colors/patterns. Does anyone have an EE with similar coloration? I'm...
  17. swamphiker

    Solved big gray boxes appearing in My Coop article, can't figure out how to remove

    I just added a "my coop" article here:, but I am seeing big gray boxes interspersed in the body of the article like in the screenshot below. They don't show up in the preview and I can't figure out how to remove them. Do...
  18. swamphiker

    Babies' first visit outside!

    My new chicks are 3-4 weeks old, so it is time to let them visit outside! It's 78°F right now where I am which makes it easier. I will sit outside a short distance away keeping an ear out for any issues and I will bring them in after a few hours. It's always amazing how fast they grow; they are...
  19. swamphiker

    Appreciation for awkwardly adorable chicks

    I just want to post a little love for how adorably awkward chicks look as they grow in their feathers. Below is one of my 3-4 week old Australorps. I think the combination of the black feathers and the white down makes them look like they are wearing a little tuxedo or are maybe pretending to be...
  20. swamphiker

    Roost height for pullets

    I'm about to build a temporary coop for my pullets who will be ready to live outside full time in ~2 weeks. I have an established flock so I will be putting together a temporary coop for the pullets (and probably a cockerel or two) to sleep in until they are big enough to fully integrate with my...
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