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  1. ChickyChickens


    When I created this Hatch-A-Long, there were 72 members in February Hatch-A-Long! Let's get it above this number this month! If you are planning to join this HAL, then PLEASE send me a PM with the info that is on the form on this post! If you are setting your eggs in between March 11th and...
  2. ChickyChickens

    **#BOYS only CHAT THREAD**

    BOYS only chat thread...NO girls! ALL BYC RULES APPLY! You need no permission to join! JUst have fun and chat with only GUYS on BYC!
  3. ChickyChickens

    The second letter game

    Okay, you all know what to do!!!! (All BYC rules apply please) I'll start: Chicken
  4. ChickyChickens

    Try to stop ChickyChickens from posting!

    So basically whenever I post a number you post 0! Your aim is to keep me from getting to 100!
  5. ChickyChickens

    Count as high as possible before ChickyChickens posts~ *restarted* know what to do! You may not post more than once!
  6. ChickyChickens

    MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

    ...hatching in each H-A-L from each month to see which month of the year there are the most amount of members setting eggs!!! So, PLEASE send me a PM * to get onto the members list!!!! I will be making (I'm still thinking about it) and article on the monthly hatches, hatch rates etc. so if you...
  7. ChickyChickens

    ChickyChickens AWESOME chat thread! know...CHAT! LOL...
  8. ChickyChickens

    FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long 2015:Please Read First Post To Join H-A-L

    Okay, this week Saturday/Sunday or next week Monday I'll be setting eggs!!! Ive already started to collect the eggs from my girls!!! I know there is a Valentines HAL. but some might just wanna hatch in Feb some other time!!! Last month there were only 10 known members hatching eggs...
  9. ChickyChickens

    So...what is your Budgies FAVORITE treat/toy???

    I have 2 Budgies...Sunny (female; yellow one) and Buddy (male; green one)!! I want to know what treats/toys your Budgie/s really like!!! Mine just like apple right now...and their wood chewing thing and their swing!! Here they are!
  10. ChickyChickens

    2015's Awesome Chat Thread...LOL

    OKay...sadly THE AWESOME 2014 HAS ALMOST PASSED!!! IT WAS A GOOD YEAR...AND NOW AN EVEN BETTER AWAITS!!! Now ...I wanna open a chat thread for all the 2015 fans!! ...Well nevermind..just a chat thread for the YEAR 2015!!
  11. ChickyChickens

    JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

    Okay...I have just set eggs today, but that means I miss January by 1 day!!! (Pics) Anyway, I will be setting 48 again next week!!! That will mean I will be hatching in January!!! PLEASE come and JOIN!!!! First month of 2015!!!!! Please send me a PM to become a Hatch-A-Long...
  12. ChickyChickens


    Today i was noticed that one of my chicks has funny sores on it's face!! The young chicks always get it but never ever bad!! The adult birds also never get!! It's only on the face!! Can somebody please help me!!! Here are the pics!! On the left side!! The front!! The comb! Im keeping...
  13. ChickyChickens

    November Hatch-A-Long

    All Broodies/Incubators welcome (Actually anyone!!) Two hens, of mine, have started to act brrody! If the pass the one day one night test then i will be giving them eggs tomorrow! They will then be due in the beginning of November! There are also many nests open!!!
  14. ChickyChickens

    Farmyard Bizzaro- diary on a crazy farmyard's days (Geese and Chickens)

    So, here is the beginning of an awesome thread! (I hope!?) This is how it started: when I was 5 years old we went to a zoo/park where they ad a huge amount of chickens. I loved it and stayed there for almost 3 hours while my parents went on (left me there) to go for a stroll! When they came...
  15. ChickyChickens

    October Hatch-A-Long

    Hey guys (i am not the best talented at words) so I am just going to say that this is (obviously) a thread for all the little fluff balls (and their owners) that are hatching ion October! I have two broodies that just got their eggs and will be due in the beginning of October! Anyone out there...
  16. ChickyChickens

    Broiler Thread

    Hey guys! This is going to be a thread where we can chat about raising, keeping, curing etc. on broilers My story is : I just received my package of 100 broiler chicks and i will be receiving a hundred every two weeks for the rest of the year and the next! I cant wait for them to grow p so that...
  17. ChickyChickens

    September Hatch-A-Long

    Just for all the September chickies... I have a broody hen with 16 eggs due in September! Anyone out the to joing me...????
  18. ChickyChickens

    Goat Kid-A-Long

    I have three Boer goats that will be due to Kid on the 29th of July! This will be a thread for all of those people out there who have pregnant/kidding goats! It will be a all time thread and not for a specific date! Who out there will be joining me and my does???
  19. ChickyChickens

    August Hatch-A-Long

    So.....I wanted to start a thread for us 'Chicken Mommies/Daddies that will have little chickies in August! So here is my STORY! I have got 4 hens left that are laying that should hopefully go broody( I also have 3 broodies on eggs and 5 broodies with 48 little chickies!! One of the nest boxes...
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