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  1. MomJones

    Hen with swollen eye!

    Dittos, I'd wrap her in a towel to hold her still, then apply warm salt water wet rags to ease some of that swelling. Poor thing. She looks miserable. Hope she recovers quickly!
  2. MomJones

    Buff Orpingtons 3 M.O. - Hens or Roosters? Help!

    So glad to hear somebody say this. It's absolutely true. These chicken companies churn out so many birds every year, it's gotten way too mixed up. But we love them all, even if they do end up in Freezer Camp:)
  3. MomJones

    Pale comb - stress related?

    I'm noticing the same thing with a few of mine as well. 9 week old buff orpington pullets here in South Carolina. They seem normal, just so pale! I've had chickens since 2016 so I'm used to watching for various problems. One thing that helps me 90% of the time is adding yogurt and ground up...
  4. MomJones

    Comment by 'MomJones' in article 'How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning: Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)'

    🌹Fiona went on to live another 3 years, made a full recovery thanks be to God.
  5. MomJones

    I have a wildlife camera but we needed it for something else-- lots of wildlife around these...

    I have a wildlife camera but we needed it for something else-- lots of wildlife around these parts as well. And yes, hardware cloth is important--we have a combination of chicken wire and hardware cloth but there are always vulnerabilities within a structure, and this was an example.
  6. MomJones

    Buff Orpington?

    Gosh that one on the left looks suspiciously like a Light Brahma. Hmm.
  7. MomJones

    Hi I ordered buff Orpington but I’m not sure what this little one is ?

    Aww, you got a beautiful little Brahma girl there. My favorite chickens for their value as both layers and meat birds. :love
  8. MomJones

    How many eggs has everyone had today?

    Not done laying for the day, but averaging 12/29.
  9. How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning:  Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)

    How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning: Graphic Images For Educational Purposes) | Wound Care for Fiona (Light Brahma) Who Was Attacked by a Predator

    I forgot to post an update (we're busy with everything). Fiona made a full recovery, needed about 2-3 weeks in a separate pen outside, with daily and then every few days' applications of zinc oxide cream (make your own using zinc oxide powder and olive oil). Zinc oxide is nice for wound...
  10. MomJones

    Pinning down a rooster - does it work?

    I've had many roosters (the result of straight runs from Tractor Supply). So far, this is what I have been doing, it's worked with 4 successive roo's so I'm sharing it here: Pick him up. Don't be rough or sudden, but find a way to pick him up and tuck him under your arm like you would a...
  11. MomJones

    To candle or not to candle. That is the question.

    See? That's what I'm talking about (in my head). Good job!
  12. MomJones

    To candle or not to candle. That is the question.

    I just came across this post; Miss Peaches is so awesome. And what a nice setup she's got!
  13. MomJones

    Reinforcing chicken run. Possum has gotten in twice this year. We have 14 pullets coming up in...

    Reinforcing chicken run. Possum has gotten in twice this year. We have 14 pullets coming up in the world and 22 chickens in the other pen. We're not willing to lose even one more. 🐥
  14. How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning:  Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)

    How I Treat Non Fatal Wound From Predator (Warning: Graphic Images For Educational Purposes)

    5-21-23 This morning I discovered Fiona--one of our Brahma hens--standing alone in a dog igloo (it's mostly there for decoration--they live in a covered run. All the other 34 hens looked fine but Monty, our rooster, seemed a little agitated. I went to check Fiona because I noticed she wasn't...
  15. MomJones

    Ta dah! The girls are moved in!

    What a thoughtful design! Good work!
  16. MomJones

    I submit my framing and design to you for approval...

    Great design, I'd make it a bit lower maybe. Raised coops are a great idea. Our next one will be raised (I hope).
  17. MomJones

    Is this ok?

    You're fine. They are made to be in a brooder or tub with lots of furry beings around. Many feel these are safer than heat lamps which can burst or overheat.
  18. MomJones

    Emotions Tied to Culling

    I had a hard time at first, until my husband (who is more experienced) told me to always say a little prayer for them before culling, and thank them for their lives. It helps me a lot. Every bird gets a little prayer and a minute to "settle" before I proceed. Another thing that helped me with...
  19. MomJones

    Barred rock rooster too big for hens.

    I'm glad I came across this. I have 23 hens and 3 roosters. One is huge (and just gorgeous). 17 of the hens are the same age as Mr. Silver: 8 months, and it does look as if he's squishing them as he literally stands on their backs to mate. And worse, my 2 year old Brahma ladies are...
  20. MomJones

    Blue Cuckoo Marans Pullet or Cockerel 10 weeks

    Wow! That looks exactly like our Saffire Gems (Tractor Supply). Hmmm.
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