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  • Reinforcing chicken run. Possum has gotten in twice this year. We have 14 pullets coming up in the world and 22 chickens in the other pen. We're not willing to lose even one more. 🐥
    • Sad
    Reactions: chrissynemetz
    I'm so sorry. :hugs
    Are you using hardware cloth for the run?
    Does anyone know what kind of monitor I can use to watch these little chicks? We have a lot of wild life here.
    I have a wildlife camera but we needed it for something else-- lots of wildlife around these parts as well. And yes, hardware cloth is important--we have a combination of chicken wire and hardware cloth but there are always vulnerabilities within a structure, and this was an example.
    It's a beautiful day here in SC (from 5am to 9am and from 7pm to 10pm), the rest of the time you stay inside with the A/C on thankyou very much.🥵 My girls have a kiddy wading pool, large shaded area, dust baths and a fan that runs 24/7. No signs of heat stress (so far)🌺
    13 Light Brahmas and mixed, 9 babies successfully hatched on March 20. Such joy to see new life!
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