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  1. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    We win! Just got up an hour ago. Looks like it snowed last night. Everything, including one of my chickens, is covered in frost. My fingers are so cold I'm having difficulty typing.
  2. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    No neighbours within sight here. One side is very inattentive and other side even more so. Forecast for tonight says 32*, daytime temperatures is nice though. Low 70's. I think you'll be o.k. What's so attractive about your fly strips? In all the years we've used them, apart from flies and...
  3. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Hey, you're back! I missed this thread. I'm sitting under a blanket here with the heater on and I'm shivering. It's cold!! Wanna swop?
  4. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Guess not, though I'm usually the one rearranging the nest while DH has his back turned. We're in the beginning of winter now and it's very cold already. Had heavy, heavy frost last week, which is unusual for this time of the year. Think we may get snow later. Happens once or twice a decade.
  5. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    It's freezing here. Had this really soft rain for the past 2 days. Every thing's either muddy or damp or both.The cold really gets into your bones. Don't like it. Am going to turn the heater on soon
  6. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Not quite in the eye, but close enough.
  7. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  8. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Sour: Congratulations! You must be so proud!
  9. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Who said anything about the wall board?
  10. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Sour, you suffering from pica?
  11. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Yep . Saw a guy the other day, he had dreads folded double and still hanging all the way down to his calves. Must've been growing them from birth. Imagine keeping that clean! I'll pass.
  12. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Can't say I ever have Don't do drugs or dreads. But I do sometimes like them on other people
  13. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    I wish I had a pic of that. His face!
  14. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    DH just reminded me of the day we caught a Rasta on the fly strip. He used to have this rasta buddy who'd come round our place quite often. Really got on my nerves with all his exaggerated rasta talks the stuff that comes with smoking too much pot. (We don't smoke pot, I hate it). Anyway,he's...
  15. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Sour, you don't learn, hey? We had an interesting fly strip experience once. Also quite funny, though I wasn't laughing at the time. We put the used strips in the bin, put the bag out... I had 2 chicks running around that I was raising and they somehow discovered the fly strip. Yum, sticky...
  16. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Oh man, I'd have so much fun with that thing!
  17. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Apparently it was quite a sight. She was a large lady, so she tended to move at a leisurely pace. Under normal circumstances anyway. A few years ago a friend brought a snake round to show me. Of course the thing escaped. Into our garden nursery which was on two levels. I called the gardener, a...
  18. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    ...about it, until the next day. When I got home from school my very amused mom asked me why the heck I put the snake at the door. Our next-door neighbour's maid came over and saw the tin and had a look. She's a Tswana (African tribe) and they are terrified of snakes... I wish I could see that...
  19. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Thanks. The guys on his boat design forum seem to think he knows what he's doing, so I guess I'd better have faith. Thing is, he wants to go sail round Britain with it. How safe is swimming in the English channel?
  20. sumi

    Sourland in trouble

    Sour, how many guardian angels have you got? Bunny, you got me worried now. My DH is very busy designing a catamaran. And his planning on building it and taking us out on it. Good thing I'm not scared of water!
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