Sourland in trouble

Sour, I need to tell ya about a snake incident many,many years ago. Dad was cool with them, encouraged my brother and me to learn about them and we had live snakes for pets. Once a corn snake (aka red rat snake) got out. After a week or so of looking everywhere, we thought he was gone. Mom had a friend over to watch some movie one night,and ten minutes after she left the snake came out from under the tv set. Of course all heck broke lose as Mom saw the critter!
There was the time that a garter snake got loose in the house (my father unlike yours was terrified of snakes and they were the one animal I was not 'allowed' to have). We were sitting at the dinner table when I saw the tail of a snake protruding out from under the door that led up the stairs to my room. My father saw the look on my face and looked where I was looking. I don't remember what he said (thankfully), but I do remember him bolting out the kitchen door. I quickly retrieved and released the snake and the incident was never mentioned. Talk about the 'gorilla' in the room.
Sour, Dad worked as a Chem E for Hercules and on one trip out west he bought a western gopher snake for us. The store had no way to ship it, so Dad "borrowed" a pillow cover from where he was staying and told them to charge it to him. He put the snake in his carry-on(things were easier in the dark ages !). I did ask him about what he would do if it got loose, and his comment was he would stand on his seat and yell like everyone else!
And tis was LONG before the movie !
Years ago I found an injured snake one evening and took it home. Mom wasn't impressed and ordered me to get rid of it. Sadly it died not long after. (It was quite badly hurt) I put it in an empty tin meaning to dispose of it in the morning and to placate my mom I put it outside the front door. I honestly forgot about it, until the next day. When I got home from school my very amused mom asked me why the heck I put the snake at the door. Our next-door neighbour's maid came over and saw the tin and had a look. She's a Tswana (African tribe) and they are terrified of snakes... I wish I could see that *sigh*
Apparently it was quite a sight. She was a large lady, so she tended to move at a leisurely pace. Under normal circumstances anyway.
A few years ago a friend brought a snake round to show me. Of course the thing escaped. Into our garden nursery which was on two levels.
I called the gardener, a Xhosa man, to help me look for it. Told him to search the top level while I do the bottom. He very enthusiastically started looking around, paused and asked what exactly he's supposed to be looking for. I yelled "Snake, he went that way" looked around and the gardener was GONE.
Lol awesome! Love snakes! Back before I deployed my mom came to visit. My daughter had bought me a ball python for my birthday and it was in the livingroom. Well my mom came in and sat down on the couch. Watching my oldest and my then baby 4yo play on the floor, saw my oldest tap on its cage. My mom asked her wats in there? She said cheerfully "its smiley! Daddys pet ball python!" Momma didn't sit in there for the rest of her visit! Sadly it fell on feeding day! Smiley got a baby mouse every week! And our emmy always had a ring side seat! At the kitchen table! Mom didn't like this too well... My emmy smilin from ear to ear as my snake poised to strike, quickly bites the mouse and coils arond it squeesing the wind out of its body. "LOOK GRANDMA! He's HUNGRY!"
Mom disgusted by the fact that she can no longer visit because of muh pet.... well she now visits more now. Smiley passed just after I returned home. But I still have one of his shed skins that I can use on her and my aunt next april fools! ITS ABOUT 6ft LONG!
As MFB says he learned on another thread, rat snakes can climb pretty well, and one demonstrated just how well here. Our house is a modular Cape Cod style. The "upstairs" is still unfinished, though there are pipes and ductwork stubbed in should we ever want to get it done (we use the upper floor as an attic). For several years, I occasionally found a shed snake skin in the attic. From the faint stripes on the skin, I knew it was a rat snake, so I wasn't hugely concerned (hubby and I don't have problems with snakes) though I did wonder what might happen should it ever manage to come in to the ground floor while someone else was here. The skins I was finding were fairly long, so I knew it was a good-sized snake , though I never saw it "in person". It must have been coming up one of the ducts in the wall, there was no other way up there.

Like most Southern homes, ours doesn't have a basement; it only has a crawl space under the house. Once a year we pay a guy to wiggle around under there to check for signs of termites. After one of his regular visits, the termite inspector rang the doorbell. When I answered, I found him slightly breathless and wide eyed, standing on the doorstep. "I don't want to alarm you," he said, "but you got a big ol' dead snake under there." "Oh?" I said, wondering why I should be "alarmed" if the snake was already dead. Apparently, the snake had gotten hung up on something during one of its comings or goings, and had gotten more or less mummified. As the guy had been crawling under one of the heating ducts under the house, he had come basically nose-to-nose with the dried-out remains draped over the duct! "I seen a lot of things, living and dead, under houses." he told me, "but that scared me worse'n anything I ever seen!" "Well, I guess I know why I hadn't seen any skins in the attic for a while," I mused.
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